(15) He's Mine

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A month later, 

She and Bucky had finished breakfast, she went put to her plate in the sink. When she felt a contraction and nearly dropped her plate. Bucky caught it as he turned around,

"Mal you alright?" He said as he placed his hand on her bump. 

She was in tears, "It hurts..Buck." she said as she had another one. 

"Hey look at me, we will go to the hospital okay?" He said 

They arrived at the hospital, she kept saying she was sorry cause her water broke in the car. When they gave her an epidural she calmed down and fell asleep. Bucky was laying beside her as she laid on her side. 

Winnie came in and found them both asleep, "James honey.." she whispered 

"Mom.." he whispered as he woke up. 

A few hours later, with Bucky and Winnie on either side of her she pushed out her baby boy. When the nurse came in to get her info and the baby's info. 

"The baby's name Jeziah.." Malani said but then was cut off.

"Jeziah James Barnes..and his father is James Buchanan Barnes III." Bucky said as he held little Jeziah.

"Little JJ..that is who you are.." he whispered as he fed him a bottle.

The nurse walked out, Malani looked at him. "Why did you do that?" She said 

"Because he's mine, not by blood. But he's mine so he gets my name." He said 

Tears welled in her eyes as she kissed him. 

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