(23) Don't Marry Him

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Two days later,

Malani had JJ with her as she met with her boss, her book was about to be released. So they were discussing a book tour. 

As she was sitting there feeding JJ, Jax came in. He seen them but saw that she wasn't alone. She took JJ to the bathroom to change him, as she came back out she saw him. 

"Are you stalking me?" She said 

"No, is that my baby?" He said 

"You terminated your rights remember. So no he isn't." She said 

"Don't marry him Mal. Come home I miss you " Jax said 

"Hell no, you cheated and I found someone ten thousand times better than you. So thank you for what you did." She said 

Bucky came in, "Sorry I'm late my love. Meeting ran over." He said 

"Dada! Dada" JJ squealed.

Bucky took him, "Hey my little man, how's daddy's boy?" Bucky said as she handed him over. 

"Have a nice life Jax." She said as the three of them walk off to go back to her meeting.

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