(4) Bestie's Baby Shower

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Three months later,

Malani and Jax flew out to CA to visit her best friend Sierra who is also pregnant, she is a month ahead of Malani. 

They flew in the weekend of her baby shower, everyone had alot of fun seeing each other again. The girls gushed and squealed all over the little girl clothes, while the guys stood around and sipped scotch. 

"Your next Jax. You and Mal know what the baby is?" Taj Copeland said 

"Not yet, she's barely five months. But I'm hoping for a boy, she wants a girl." Jax said 

"I was hoping for a boy too." Mason said (Sierra's husband)

"I think that's just normal." Cecilla Copeland said as she caught the end of the conversation. 

The girls got a photo of them all together, placing hands on Sierra and Malani's bumps. Before they all knew it the weekend was over and they all went their separate ways again.

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