25; The Testaments of Pandora Lovegood

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That summer Juno was restless. She was desperate to know that Harry was okay, and that Draco was safe, and she was eager to do anything she could to help defeat Voldemort. So, she channelled that nervous energy into what she knew best - she studied. 

When her mother died, the study she used remained relatively untouched. It was too painful for Xenophilius, even so many years later, and, in their younger years, the girls had found it boring. It was filled to the brim with books and paper, each annotated with things they never understood, so it stayed as was - still holding the essence of Pandora Lovegood, despite her prolonged absence. 

Juno was determined to find what she'd read many years ago in her mother's study about horcruxes. It was the only other time she'd stumbled across the word before Harry had mentioned them. At the time she had discarded the information, being far too young, and like the majority of the wizarding world, completely oblivious to what they were. 

Her summer was spent rifling through draws, scanning reams of her mother's notes and flicking through hundreds upon hundreds of books - until she stumbled upon her mother's old journal, disguised as a book about muggle plants. She read and reread the pages carefully, unable to comprehend just how much her mother had known, feeling sick at the role Dumbledore had played in the deaths of so many innocent people. 

[ 1979 / Regulus Black is innocent! / This is a bleak and unforgiving world

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[ 1979 / Regulus Black is innocent! / This is a bleak and unforgiving world. If it is written in pen and ink then it will be known - his legacy will live on in these pages until the world can discover; Regulus Black is good and kind, a once-lost boy who is finding his way but is nothing less than innocent. He will never die in vain. ]

[ 1979 / Horcruxes: splitting one's soul - quest for immortality? */ * must commit murder without remorse

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[ 1979 / Horcruxes: splitting one's soul - quest for immortality? */ * must commit murder without remorse. / Reg says Voldemort has created a Horcrux. / We must destroy it so Voldemort will be mortal once more and then he can be defeated. ]


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