Chapter 13: Blind Eye

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"Watch your step" Liam said as he stepped up the stairs to the attic of his house. Niall, Zayn, and I followed behind him. My foot slipped off one step, sending me backwards. Niall wrapped his arm around my waist, catching me.

"Thanks" I stared into his blue eyes. He pulled me up, helping up the stairs into the attic. A cloud of dust rose from the floor. "You could have at least warned me about the dust" I coughed, waving the dust away.

Liam turned on the light to only have it flicker. The light died out. "When was the last time you were up here?" Zayn asked.

"Since I was twelve, I think there's a flash light over there" Liam said. The noises of rummaging through boxes kept the silence away as the three of us waited for Liam to find a flashlight. "Here it is" he flicked the light on. The small beam flashing in my face. Liam jumped. "Sorry, I haven't gotten use to the whole eye thing" he said. Zayn and Niall laughed.

"You won't have to hopefully" I said. "Where's the book?"

"Should be over there" Liam walked over to a dust covered book shelf. I looked around the attic. It was full of boxes on top of boxes. I wouldn't be surprised to find a skeleton up here.

Niall took my hand tightly. I looked over at him. "What's wrong?" I asked. His hand was shaking slightly, I could tell he was trying to his it.

"Nothing" the dull light from Liam's flashlight sharpened the weak smile on Niall's face.

"You're afraid of the dark, aren't you?" A sly smile appeared on my lips.

"No, what makes you say that?" He laughed nervously. His grip tightened a little.

"You are such a liar" I kissed his cheek, causing his shaken grip to loosen.

"I found it!" Liam shouted with excitement. Everyone rushed over to him. Liam handed me the flashlight as he flipped through the old crisp pages of the book. "Here it is, The legend of Memiliki" he read. "Memiliki was a great warrior of the Mattawa tribe who protected the citizens of the village from the shadow beasts. On the night of the eclipse, they were attacked by a godly power unlike any other. That unknown being killed everyone in that tribe except for Memiliki. To save the village, Memiliki captured the great beast within his soul. As time went on, the beast slowly darkened her heart. In 1392, Memiliki hung herself over the graves of her dead tribe. To this day Memiliki's soul continues on in the body of a new born every one hundred years who will be destined to-" Liam stopped.

"To what?" I asked, eager to find out the next part.

"Nothing, the bottom of the page is ripped out"

I grabbed the book, flipping through the pages violently. "This can't be it, this can't be all I have!" I threw the book to the floor.

"Wait a second" Zayn said, picking up the book. He stared at a page in shock, switching glances between the page and I. "That's impossible" he gasped. He turned the book around to show us. "This photo of Memiliki... It looks exactly like Rose"

The young women's hair fell to each side of her shoulders, brown freckles placed gently on the apples of her cheeks. She had the same soft jawline as I did. I took the book from Zayn. Her eyes were fogged with a mist. "Was she blind?" I asked. It was amazing.

"If I didn't know any better I'd say it was Rose's twin" Niall gawked.

Liam searched through the book, "I think she was. It says Memiliki was abandoned at the age of nine and that's where she was found and taken in by the tribe. She was born blind"

"I don't think this is some coincidence that you guys look the same. Remember the book said Mimiliki spirit will take form in a new born every one hundred years right?" Niall said. We all nodded. "What if that newborn not only took on her spirit but also her traits? I mean how else do Rose and that girl look exactly alike?"

"Then that must mean Rose is the-" a sudden sound of glass shattering forced us to spin around. A shadow moved across the light, too fast to recognize what it was. The figure ran down the attic stairs.

"Someone's been watching us all this time!"Zayn shouted. Niall sprinted out of the attic, chasing the figure.

"Niall come back!" I ran after him, Liam and Zayn following close behind. We sprinted outside. Niall transformed in seconds only to stop in his tracks. It was too late. By the time we have gone outside the figure was no where to be seen.

"It's gone" I panted, walking up to Niall. He looked up at me, his muzzle close to my face. I pet his head. When I looked down, I noticed a shiny object hidden in the fresh cut grass. I picked it up. It was a silver watch with the letter H engraved on the side.

Suspicious hm... Who do you think the mystery figure is? Let me know in the comments!
Two chapters in one day, you guys must be special haha

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