Chapter three: Shadow Beasts

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"Hey sleeping beauty, wakey wakey" a voice whispered annoyingly in my ear.

"C'mon, I already missed a math test because of her!"

"Shut up, Liam"

I grunted, my eyes fluttering open to see five heads starring down at me. "Hey she's awake!" I jumped, hitting my forehead against Louis'. We both let out a painful groan.

"How are you feeling?" Niall asked.

"Other than a giant bruise on my forehead, I think I'm alive" I laughed, rubbing my forehead. Niall and the other four let out sighs of relief in unison. "Care to tell me what happened?"

They gave each other suspicious glances, leaving me confused. "Well you saw my painting and sort of fainted.." Zayn said rather awkwardly. I thought back to the painting, it was one of me and... that wolf. The one I had it with my car but refused to tell anyone about it. It was awfully strange that Zayn could paint such an accurate picture but it shouldnt have sent all those images in my mind. More importantly, what did they mean?

I didn't realize I had dazed out because Harry was waving his hands in front of my face trying to get my attention. "Are you sure you're okay?" he asked.

I snapped out of it and nodded weakly. "Yeah, um, Niall can you take me home? I think I just need some sleep" I said. Niall nodded and they all filed out of the room, one by one. Niall stayed in the room, starring at my wrist. I followed his gaze to see more tattoos on his wrist. I quickly covered it with the sleeve of my sweater. Without any words, I followed him out of the school and into his car.

It was a really awkward car ride though. He tried to make small talk but I was too out of it and answered them vaguely. When we reached my house, I gave him a small smile and thanked him before entering the house quietly. "Rose is that you?" My mom hollered from the kitchen.

"Yeah" I answered.

"I need to talk to you, come here" she said. Oh right, I forgot about the car I smashed yesterday. I slowly walked into a mess of a kitchen. Bowls, spoons, and batter were scattered al over the counters and island. Mom had her hair up in a messy bun, making her wrinkles standout in the dimmed kitchen. Dark circles and bags on her eyes showed the true potential of her age.

"Look mom, If this is about the car, I already told you" I sighed, slumping on an island stool.

"And what was your excuse again?" she asked, pouring chocolate batter into a small cupcake tin.

"Its not an excuse, I hit a deer" I lied about the deer part. She knows wolves don't exist in this part of town and so telling her I hit one would seem like an obvious lie to her.

"The front bumper is smashed and the windshield is gone all because you hit a deer?" She asked, obvious frustration in her voice. Before she let me open my mouth, she began on another one of her responsibility speeches. "Rose, you're almost eighteen and being eighteen means a lot more than freedom. Its responsibility, and whatever you ran that car into, you were obviously not driving carefully and now I have to pay for the damages. Me paying for your mistakes wont get you far and definitely wont help you learn from them-"

"Can you get to the point please? I have a lot of homework to do" I lied. I practically missed all of my classes when I fainted. My mom gave me a stern look before shoving the cupcakes into the oven.

"This isn't like you, Rose. You use to be so outgoing, honest, joyful, respectful... is this because I made you move with me and Michael?" she asked. I didn't answer but look down to the floor. "Your rebellion is because of me, isn't it? Why do you feel like taking your anger out on me?"

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