Chapter 10: Full moon

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I wasn't sure if it was a dream or a really sucky reality. Let me rewind. I was just a normal girl who was forced to move to some messed up town of emotions. First I hit Niall with my car who turns out to be a werewolf. It couldn't have been worse when my mom died. The universe just loves proving me wrong when Harry decided to smash his stupid lips into mine. He knew Niall was in love with me, what a jerk.

It's like a hurricane after an earthquake. Like in every dramatic teen romance movie, Niall didn't let me explain. After he dropped the roses, he stepped on them as he marched angrily to his truck. "Niall please! I can explain! I-"

"So what? To save Harry's butt?! I can't believe you'd do that to me Rose" He grasped the door handle before I snatched his hand away.

"I don't know why your acting like you own me! I'm... not even your girlfriend" my voice went quiet.

He stood for a moment before getting into his truck and opening the window "Actually that's what I wanted to talk to you about... but not anymore" and with those last words, he backed out of the drive way and into the thick fog.

I let out a sigh of anger that danced in the cold air. Thanks a lot Harry, for screwing my life. I thought, half of me hoping he heard it. I didn't realize it was nearly dinner time when the sky began to darken. I dragged myself in the house to find Michael in the same place I left him, snoring loudly. I dropped my bag on the floor and went to the kitchen. Mom was the only person in the house who did the cooking but ever since she left us its always been take out or frozen TV dinners. We ran out of home cooked meals everyone from the funeral brought us and Michael's depression was really lowering his salary rate. We barley had enough money for gas.

I decided to help Michael out by trying out my cooking skills. Let's just say most of the meals i've made were barely edible. After scavenging the fridge and cupboards, I started making homemade pizza. A goan followed from the living room as I rolled out the pizza dough. "Smells good" Michael's voice mumbled followed by footsteps into the kitchen.

"It's pizza actually" I smiled, shredding the cheese on the grater.

He scratched the stubble on his chin before pooping a cherry tomato into his mouth. "Im surprised you were able to find all the ingredients for it" he laughed. A sudden pain took over my fingers. I looked down to see I sliced my knuckles on the grater.

"Ow!" I let out.

"Did you cut yourself?" he asked, trailing his eyes to my fingers. I nodded. "Go clean yourself up, I'll finish up the pizza"

I jogged up stairs to the bath room, suddenly feeling a little dizzy. I shut the door and looked at my hand. What the heck? Blue blood dripped down the back of my hand. Blue blood. Why did I have blue blood? The light above my head reflected off the deep blue liquid seeping from my cut. A headache emerged, making the dizziness worse. The blood dripped from my hand and onto the shiny white tiles, staining it. I reached for the sink but lost my balance, falling to the floor with a loud thump. "Rose? Is that you?"

"Y-Yeah" I choked out, my throat burning. My shaken hands tried to pull my body up but it was like I suddenly weighed a hundred pounds heavier. The searing pain pounding against my skull. What was happening? Was I having a heart attack? I was too young, having a heart attack at my age never happens. My blurred vision watched my veins turn black, covering my arms, neck, and face. I grabbed the counter and pulled my self up, breathing heavily.

Footsteps ran up the stairs, "Rose, are you okay?" Michael's voice came from the crack under the door. I wanted to tell him something was wrong but I couldn't find my voice. He twisted the locked door knob. "Rose!" he shoved himself against the door. "Open the door!"

My eyes caught my reflection in the mirror, pure terror shocked me. "I'm okay Michael! Just-" The burning in my throat felt like I was being stabbed every time I let out a breath.What I saw in that mirror was not me. Black veins crawled up my neck, my eyes in shades of gold. Sharp teeth peaked from my lips. A beast was in that mirror. It was no heart attack. My shaken hands grabbed my phone from my back pocket. Without hesitation, I dialled the number of someone I knew I could trust. The phone began to ring. Just as a familiar voice picked it up, I dropped the phone in the tub.


I grabbed the phone, "L-Liam!" I shouted.

"Rose? Rose what's wrong?" Concern hit his voice faster than anything.

"Help me, my b-blood, it's blue" With that one sentence, Liam knew exactly what was happening to me.

"Where are you?" Liam asked, his voice deeper. Michael began basking on the door. Panic set in.

"I'm in the bathroom" Michael began shouting curses in the background.

"Okay, Listen to me Rose. You need to get out of there, out of the house. You cant be near anyone." Liam demanded.

"What's happening to me?" I choked out.

"You don't have much time, get out of there!" He shouted. I dropped the phone and smashed the door open, hitting Michael. My eyes scanned for an open window down the hall way.

"Rose!" He grabbed my arm as I ran for the window. We fell to the ground. I watched my free hand as long black nails grew. I couldn't escape Michael's hold without hurting him. "Rose come here!" he shouted. I lashed my foot into his face, breaking his nose. He let go of my wrist and I bolted out the window and down the street. My legs stumbled as I continued to run towards the Redwood forest. Adrenaline pumped through my heart, unable to suck in air. My foot caught on a large rock in the ground, throwing me across the dirt sidewalk. I couldn't move my legs anymore, my arms were numb. Darkness covered my eyes.


Sorry this chapter is so short, I just felt the need to end it there but I will post the other one maybe today or tomorrow. Thanks so much guys for reading my fanfic! Let me know what you thought in the comments.

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