Chapter 19: Safe and Sound

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The sound of a heart monitor forced my eyes to flutter open. Everything around me was blurry for a minute before my eyes adjusted. I was lying in a small narrow bed surrounded by creamed coloured walls. The room had very little space with two brown leather chairs, a side table, and a wide window to my right. I must be in the hospital.

I noticed a warm hand loosely attached to my slightly numb one.

When I moved my head to see who's hand was holding mine, a sore pain on my neck made me wince. I groaned from the pain. My free hand moved to my neck as I felt a large cloth bandage.

I carefully moved my head to see a a passed out Niall next to me bed. He was sitting in his chair with his head resting on the bed. I felt a soft smile make it's way onto my lips. It felt like forever since I've seen him when in reality it must have been just a few hours. I was afraid to wake him up because it was a picture perfect moment. Instead, I rubbed his hand gently with my thumb.

Niall's head began to Rose from the bed slowly. He watched our hands for a moment before his eyes widened. He turned his gaze to me, redness circled his hazed eyes from lack of sleep. "Hi" I croaked. My throat felt extremely dry as if I hadn't had water for a week.

"R-Rose?" He asked, rubbing his eyes from sleep. "You're awake? You're really-" He stopped his words, smiling with shaken lips. He pressed his head on our hands, his shoulders shaking slightly. I could feel fresh tears running down his face and into my dry hands.

"You act like you haven't seen me in weeks" I let out a hoarse laugh. He lifted his head, staring at me with wet eyes. My smile suddenly disappeared with the sorrowful look Niall gave me. "How-how long was I... gone?" I asked.

I watched as he chewed on his bottom lip, hesitantly. "Almost three months" he replied, wiping his eyes with the sleeve of his grey hoodie.

My eyes widened, "Three months?!" I think I was more shocked than he was. I swear it was only a few hours ago since that night but I guess a few hours costs you a few months in the real world. "Can you get the doctor for me?" I asked. Niall nodded and rushed out of the room.

Three months of my life, taken away just like that. I guess that's what you deserve when you stab yourself. I pushed myself up with weak arms as I pulled out a small tube from my nose.

Niall walked back into the room with rather tall doctor. He had stubble on his sharp jaw. The doctor was very skinny with dark hair and green eyes. He smiled at me before pulling a clipboard from on top of the side table. "Good morning Miss.Cliffe. I am Dr. Grey, how do you feel?"

"Thirsty and sore" I said. He nodded, scribbling the pen on paper.

"Well that's perfectly normal, you've been in this bed for almost three months supported by IV bags. The soreness will go away within a couple of days" Dr.Grey said.

"When can she go home?" Niall asked, sitting on the leather chair next to the bed.

Dr.Grey looked up from the clipboard. "Considering she's been in a coma for quiet a while, we need to do some tests and make sure there are no other... complications." He instructed.

"How long will that be?" Niall asked, impatiently. He hasn't talked to me in almost three months. If I were him, I'd probably be more impatient than him.

"About three or four days" Dr.Grey said, clicking the pen.

Niall groaned as he wiped his tired expression. He walked to the wide window, folding his arms "Sir, I understand that you need to run tests but if it's possible, could I maybe leave some time today?" I asked, gently. I watched in suspense as Dr.Grey clicked his pen repeatedly in thought. If I had to stay another three days, so be it but the sooner I left the better.

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