Chapter 20: You're My Anchor

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"Your vitals are perfect and your neck seems to be healing just fine" A female nurse with long blonde hair that curled away from her round face smiled.

"So is she aloud to leave?" Niall asked eagerly.

"I don't see why not. To be on thee safe side, don't over work yourself Rose and take two pills each night before you go to bed" she handed me a small orange cylinder bottle. "Call us If you feel any dizziness, nausea, or abnormal change in mood over the course of the week" she instructed.

I nodded, "Thank you"

"Anytime" she laughed before clicking her heels out the door. Niall grabbed his hoodie, wrapping it around me.

"Give me a second?" I asked.

"I'll be right outside the door if you need me" Niall said before he pecked his lips on mine. When he left and closed the door, I grabbed my crutches. The doctors thought it would have been more portable then a bulky wheelchair. They also said I needed to the practice so I could walk on my own again. I hopped to the small in-room bathroom.

When I looked into the mirror, I didn't recognize the girl staring back at me. My hair had almost grown twice as long, knotted and dirty. I traced my visible cheek bones with my shaken fingers. My face looked of age. My chapped lips cracking. I realized the contacts I had left in my eyes were gone. Instead of looking into blue eyes, I was looking into grey coloured eyes.

If people didn't know any better, I'd say they thought I was anorexic. As much as I looked like I handled everything outside, inside I was trying hard to not burst into a fit of emotions. I had missed three months of school and with only a couple weeks left, it was terrifying to graduate.

I took one last look at the hospital room I had spent three months of my life in. The imprint of my body still outlined on the mattress. I hopped on crutches out of the room where Niall was talking to Liam, Zayn, and Louis. When I caught Louis' eyes, a huge smile appeared on his face. Zayn followed his gaze to smile at me too. Both sprinted to me, attacking me in bear hugs.

"It's about time!" Louis exclaimed excitedly.

"How are you, babe?" Zayn asked as they both pulled away.

"Dandy" I smiled.

"Well we're glad you're feeling okay. How about we take you out tonight celebrate, and to get some food in you" Zayn offered, winking at Niall.

"That's very nice of you guys but I was actually going to visit Harry" I said, hoping on my crutches over to where Niall and Liam stood.

"Good luck with that, the lad locked himself up, he won't talk to any of us" Zayn scoffed.

"I know, but I want to let him know that I'm okay. He needs to know he had nothing to do with what happened to me. Niall, could you give me a ride to Harry's place?" I asked. Niall took his black sunglasses from on top of his head, sliding it over his eyes. He nodded, grabbing his car keys from his pocket. "I'll see you guys later, yeah?"

They all smiled in unison as Niall opened the hospital doors for me. After he helped me in his car it was a pretty silent ride to Harry's house. Honestly, it was nice. I had so many questions to ask him and so little time. "Your eyes" Niall mentioned. I snapped out of my thoughts.

"What about them?" I asked, a little confused.

"They're different, I-in a good way" he blushed.

"I don't think they'll ever go back to their normal blue, at least I won't have to worry about the contacts" I said, looking at my eyes in the side view mirror.

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