Night of Fright

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Izuku sat in his uncle's former bed chambers where he was about to rest. After Sero had left, he was introduced to the staff as a whole. For the most part, everyone had some part in making sure the mansion was in top shape. Two maids called Tsuyu Asui who had extremely long dark hair that came down to her legs put in a bow and Ibara Shiozaki who had long green hair down to her waist not pulled back or anything, were in charge of the outside and making sure all the plants and such looked propper. They seemed to be rather nice and gave off a vibe of being nowhere near outspoken even if they weren't on the clock. For the inside cleaning, this was normally left with Setsuna Tokage who was a woman with a rather curvaceous figure with green hare down halfway to her back and Reiko Yanagi who was a woman with silver hair down to just to her neck with it covering one eye. He was explained some of the other roles such as a cook, private study maintenance, coordinator for schedules, etc. For the most part, Izuku had quite a day with him and Monchan heading to sleep. Before he could, a knock on the door was heard.

"Is everything to your liking, young master?" The voice was Itsuka Kendo. The orange haired woman that nearly broke Sero's wrist for trying to shake the green haired man. From his discovery, she was the 'guard dog' as they said. The choice of words was a little off, but Izuku didn't mind.

"It's perfectly fine, Ms. Kendo. Thank you."

"There's no need for formalities sir. We all live in the mansion, so please don't be shy to call us by our first names."

"O-ok. Good night, I-Itsuka."

Izuku could swear he heard panting for even Monchan to raise his head in confusion. "Good night, master Izuku." Itsuka left shortly after with Izuku laying in the bed trying to sleep. From what the maids said to him, Izuku is currently sleeping in his late uncle's bed. This somewhat grossed him out, but the size was insane. He could easily fit five more people on and there would still be room. This though didn't help the disturbing fact that still lingered.

For the next two hours, Izuku laid in bed uneasy about the reality of where he's sleeping. "I can't sleep. I thought I could, but this is too messed up." He moved to pull the covers off him and get up. He then began walking to the door with Monchan following. "Maybe we can find the kitchen and make some tea that'll help calm my nerves and maybe some snacks for you. Whaddya say, boy?" Monchan didn't answer, but gave a smile that made him look like a derpy dog. He pushed the bed chamber door open to see nobody in the halls. Trying to avoid anyone noticing him to cause problems for those that are awake, the green haired man kept walking silently in hopes to avoid unwanted attention.

"If I remember correctly, the kitchen is down two of these flanks of stairs and to the right." Izuku states being on the third floor of the five floor mansion. Him and Monchan did as he said to come down the stairs and notice Itsuka in the distance talking to another maid called Momo Yaoyorozu. A woman that had black hair that Izuku thought would reach halfway down her back if it wasn't tied back to make a spiky ponytail. One of the more notable things though about her was the fact she had a rather mature body. "I guess making sure my directions are right wouldn't be a problem. I mean, they know better than me where stuff is-" As he was about to ask, Itsuka looked outside to the moon and breathed in.

"*HOWL*" She howled like a wolf to the moon with what looked like a tail sticking up during it.

'What the!?'

"Must you really howl like a dog? I'm pretty sure the young master's small dog he brought along with him is better trained than you."

"Says the woman that turns into a freaking bat and sleeps in a coffin!"

"Coffins are comfier than you think! Besides, I don't gnaw on my own crotch."

"That one time! Anyway, isn't it your night to tour the castle grounds to make sure everything's fine?"

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