Predator Under the Full Moon

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 About a week passed since the incident with Ochako with both her and Yui regularly clinging to Izuku. At some points, Izuku would wake up to one of them in his bed relieving him with one of the worst incidents of this being waking up and having Ochako's chest in his face or seeing Yui's ass bounce on his pelvis. Needless to say, the green haired adult's life took a turn in a unique direction. Right now, Izuku was finishing up some work that he needed to do at home before heading to the office for an afternoon meeting before getting a call.


"Yo, Midoriya. Any chance you'd wanna do a group hang out Friday? The finals of the major league are happening."

Thinking about this and what's happened thus far, Izuku figured this could be a good change of pace and hanging out with his former roommate. "I'm in."

"Sweet. You mind if we do it at your place and with the whole gang?"

"Awesome and sure. It's been a while since we've all been together."

"Yeah, I told them you got an inheritance from your uncle and they went nuts. Even Mineta was about ready to kick your ass when I said you got maids and were basically in a harem."

"It's always easy to make him jealous. Who the heck are you fooling?" The two laughed before Itsuka walked in looking as if she was in a daze. Wanting to make sure she was ok, Izuku cut the call short. "I gotta go. I'll text you when to come over after a meeting I've got."

"Go ahead man. Later." The two hung up with Izuku standing up and walking towards the werewolf woman.

"Itsuka? You ok?" She seemed really out of it for some reason, so Izuku tapped her shoulder. "Itsuka, do you need to lay doWN!" The orange haired woman tackled Izuku to the ground before regaining her composure and pulling herself back up.

"I'm so sorry, master. That was unintentional. Please forgive me for that."

"Don't worry, but are you ok? You looked like you were in a trance."

"I-it's nothing. I-I'm going to go clean something and get out of your hair." Itsuka walked away rather quickly for Izuku to question this.

'I wonder what's up with her?'

"You're curious what's wrong with Itsuka?" Hearing a voice out of nowhere, Izuku turned to see Reiko practically right next to him.

"JESUS!" He jumped back while holding his chest while panting. "Sometimes I think putting a bell on you would help." Since he's known the girls, Reiko would normally make her presence known right when she was next to Izuku to nearly give him a heart attack often. Somewhat a gift with being a poltergeist. "Sorry about the reaction. Yes. Do you know what's happening?"

"I do. But let me ask you, do you know about the full moon and what it does to werewolves?"

"From what I'm aware of, it grants them some kind of special feature or something. At least, that's what I've gathered from supernatural stories and folklore. Wasn't that big on them growing up to know exactly what it does."

"Good. Good. So you know the full moon is important to werewolves. Now to make matters simple, the full moon is somewhat unique because it creates a natural imbalance in werewolves. Being part wolf, it helps them with connecting to their primal side. This is both a good and bad thing."

"Define both." Izuku asked for Reiko to explain.

"The full moon is somewhat like a breeding cycle for werewolves. The females are the most affected with their hormones being more imbalanced where they would need to find a mate to quell this. If not, they will find their own ways to sedate their urges, but will avoid this unless all else fails. In short, Itsuka's in heat." This made Izuku raise his eyebrows a bit not realizing this was the case.

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