Oil Massage

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 Friday came for Izuku with his week being absolutely brutal thus far. During the week, Izuku had to deal with several dry board meetings about how a few mergers in the company are going, standpoints in how some areas aren't making an accurate revenu and how to increase it, even dealing with an HR department complaint that even though he supported the department, couldn't give such ridiculous desires because it would require layoffs and budget cuttings that would affect the company in the long run to try and explain it in a way that doesn't make him look like a jerk to people. Easily put, Izuku's mental capacity right now is at an all time low with it being known when he walked through the door.

"Welcome back son in law." Nemuri smirked while parading around in only thigh high boots and a choker on her body. Leaving her entire body easily shown with nothing hidden for the imagination. "I hope the day for you hadn't been too tiring to give my daughter the-"

"PUT SOMETHING ON BEFORE ADDRESSING THE YOUNG MASTER!" Almost every girl shouted with Nemuri looking down at her body.

"I'm wearing something."


"Hello. Sorry to be a bit of a bore *yawn* but I need a bit of time to rest if you all don't mind." Izuku walked past Nemuri for her to see him not even react to her. Not even when he accidentally bumped into her and had his face in her chest. "Sorry." This was something new to the older succubus.

"He's...he's not gay, is he?"

"I can tell you right now that he isn't. What you didn't see was the fact he's so tired that he's only navigating the house based on muscle memory. His eyes are closed." Yui pointed out before explaining why he's so out in left field as the term would be. "Some recent quarterly issues had come up and are more strenuous on the young master recently. Because of that, he's currently struggling to keep his work going as smoothly as possible. Not to mention a lawsuit he had to deal with when one of his now former underlings got a bit handsy with a secretary. Needless to say, It'd probably be a good idea to buy some green hair dye and to help him unwind." Nemuri's ears perked upon hearing this. "In a non sexual manner." She snapped her fingers at this before Kyoka had an idea.

Since the evening was upon them, she resorted to writing down what she needed to in order to prevent her voice from cracking the windows. 'What if I were to give him one of my oil massages? Would that help with the stress?'

"You know, that's a good idea. That oil you have really does feel nice on the skin and revitalizes you." Setsuna points out with everyone agreeing.

"Alright. I'll ask the young master to see you in your personal quarters while you get ready." Shoko walked up the stairs with Kyoka heading towards the other side of the mansion to her own personal room.

'I wonder how I should administer it to help Izuku have the most energy? Should I try a skin to skin method?'

With Izuku

Laying down on his bed with Monchan on his back and his head resting on the green haired man's chest, Izuku tried to relax himself while also getting his mind out of what was happening around him at his job. "Why can't people just be decent and not trouble others." He laid unable to move outside of scratching Monchan's belly before a knock on his door was heard. "Door's open."

Shoko walked in to see Izuku laying on his bed with his coat off and his top two buttons of his shirt undone. "Young master, I have something that you may desire to do in a way to relax."

"Does it involve anything sexual?"


"Does it involve using your head in some perverse way?"

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