Payback after Dark

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After discovering what Bakugou and Camie were doing, Kyoka asked for Shoko to call an immediate staff meeting in the maid's quarters. There, she explained what she found out for every girl to be far less than unhappy to this news.

"So we give them a place to stay during the evening and this is how they repay us!?" Itsuka gripped her fist in anger hearing this before punching a hole in the wall. "THEY'RE LUCKY I DON'T BITE THEIR NECKS OFF FOR THIS!"
"....Yui, could you-"

"I'm already getting the sheetrock for the wall, Shoko." Yui stated while heading off to a storage area where the girls kept maintenance items for the house to keep it looking respectable.

"I say I drain their blood."

"You always think that of people that do bad things like this." Mina pointed out to Momo.

"Can't blame me."

"I could throw them in the lake."

"That could be fun to see, but that wouldn't make them look incriminating per say or make them see they shouldn't do this." Toru explained as Tsu nodded.

For the most part, everyone was thinking of ideas they could do with everyone drawing a blank. It was only when Pony had an idea that they agreed. "What if we scare them with our real forms and then make them know not to ever come back."

"That's...that's not a bad idea. Punishment and it helps the young master." Kinoko points out for everyone to agree.

"Then it's settled, we'll show these two why you shouldn't anger us tonight. Also, keep this between us. Do not tell the young master until we complete our goal." Shoko adds the last bit while explaining why. "From how he seemed, our master wasn't too fond of the idea of those two being here, so it is best that we avoid causing more unwanted frustration on him by explaining this trouble to him. Does everyone agree?" Everyone nodded for the Dullihan to smirk."Good. Now here is what I have in mind to begin." They all huddled together as they were told of what was to happen.

Later that night

After dinner was served with Pony preparing everything in the kitchen away from everyone so they wouldn't see her cow features when the sun set, everyone began heading towards their rooms. Bakugou and Camie waited for about an hour or two before coming out and seeing nobody around. They immediately began walking down to one of the lower floors where Shoko was waiting in a hallway for them. "Cannot sleep?"


"If my master had ordered that, I would willingly do that." Shoko's answer confused both as Camie questioned what else she'd willingly do.

"So if Midoriya told you to strip naked, get on your hands and knees and act like a dog, you'd willingly do that?"

"If my master had wished for it, I would willingly do this." Her comment confused them as Shoko walked towards the private study. There, the picture of his uncle was replaced with a picture taken recently of Izuku and his mother. Seeing this, Bakugou began to make a joke that Izuku was a 'mama's boy' before Camie glanced over at Shoko standing calmly watching them.

"So how long have you been a maid for?"

"A few years. I started here when our former master had begun to have difficulties with handling daily life for people and needed the assistance of a live-in maid."

"So what's like the biggest downer for the job?"

"...I do not find a problem with this job at all. I find it a pleasure to serve my master."

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