Succubus Pheromones

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Sitting in the kitchen eating breakfast, Izuku looked around to see the girls somewhat jealous. Why is that, well... "Say ahh." Yui decided to take it upon herself to sit on his lap and feed him. This made each of the girls watching envious and extremely irritated knowing their house spirit friend got the upper hand and took Izuku's first.

    "Yui. You really shouldn't be doing that to the master. What if you cannot control yourself outside of the house?"

    "Don't be so prude to think I don't have self control, Shoko. I have more than enough to keep myself from acting on my carnal desires. Unlike a certain dog who can't keep herself from smelling the master's used clothes and a cow that regularly fantasizes of him while being milked."

    "HEY! I'm taking the master's scent in so I know what to protect!"

    "And the boxers are what you're protecting?" Itsuka blushed a bit at this while Pony merely glared at the two.

    "I still can't believe out of everyone that got the first shot, Yui was the one that got it. Maybe I should try something a little more bold than giving the master a blowjob in the bath." Tsu thought out loud as Ochako couldn't handle dealing with watching this anymore.

    "I gotta go make a call." She left the room and opened a secret passage near the stairwell that led downstairs. 'To think that woman got there before me and was able to seduce the master. Times like these are when I hate the fact I avoided mom's teachings.' The night before, Ochako decided to make this the night she was going to take Izuku's first herself, but creaked the door open prior to this and noticed Izuku dominating Yui. She spoke nothing, but allowed them to continue to see there was at least one first she could take from him that only she could as a succubus. "I can't believe I gotta do this." Ochako got to a mirror in the basement of the mansion and lit two candles near it. She glanced at the mirror before shutting her eyes and opening them slightly to reveal a pink glow. "In the name of Ochako Asmodeus Lilith Uraraka the third, I order a call to the Succubus Queen. Heed my call, Nemuri Asmodeus Lilith Kayama."

    A purple mist came inside the mirror for the reflection to distort and show a pair of pink eyes stare back before the form of an extremely curvaceous woman with long black hair and blue eyes presented herself in front of Ochako. Just like in her monster form, the woman had wings, horns and a tail, but also a choker with a red hearthstone on it. "Ochako. It has been a while since I've heard from you. How have you been?"

    Ochako groaned before answering the woman she called Nemuri. "Hello mother. I have been well."

    "Still a virgin I see. What happened to finding that man and knowing he won't falter to your feminine beauty?" An arrow went through Ochako's body as her mother recited what she said about Izuku. "I offered you the chance to get the first out of the way, but you said you don't need a freebie from your own mother." Another arrow came through her as Nemuri kept going down the line of comments. "Then again, you were always the slow learner who can't even tell what you should do with a man in bed." Two more arrows came through her for Ochako to stop her mother.

    "Look. Can you stop arguing this with me? I really need your help."

    "And why is that?" Understanding this would make more sense if she went from where the matter of Izuku living with them started and now, Ochako explained what happened to the succubus queen. When she finished, Nemuri thought about what had happened. "So you want to make sure that you aren't pulled away from this since you want this man as your first. Why don't you just get him hard, shove it inside you and ride that as is-"

    "Can we do something that doesn't consist of borderline rapping of Izuku? I'd rather not have him hate me."

    "Fine." Thinking about this, Nemuri remembered something she had. "You remember how our family's 'love potion' works, right?"

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