Spiteful Antics

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 Sitting in front of her parents in her father's study, Momo glares at them in anger with neither adult having any reason to think they did something wrong. "You two clearly have gone out of line having Seras try to turn Izuku into a vampire servant."

"We were only doing what we agreed on in our wager. Besides, we never said it was only us that were to do it."

"Momo, you must understand that we are doing what is right." Her mother's words enraged the young vampiress for her to stand up in anger.

"WHAT IS RIGHT!? You're lucky I didn't rip the head off of that bitch of a vampire when she pulled a gun on Izuku!" Both didn't show it, but the Yaoyorozus were notably angered now because their more recent trick didn't work and their timespan is only till the next day's evening to make Izuku succumb to their benevolent rule. Because of this, Izuku is now even more skeptical of anyone who even comes close to him that isn't Momo or Yui.

"Momo. Please understand. All we're trying to do is make sure you understand what that human-"

"HIS NAME IS IZUKU!" Momo cut her mother off before continuing. "Let's get this clear between the three of us. If you ever try something so undermined as that once again, I WILL PERSONALLY MAKE CERTAIN THAT NEITHER ONE OF YOU EXIST OUTSIDE A PILE OF ASH AS THIS COMPANY YOU TWO ARE SO BRAZENLY PROUD OF IS ABSORBED INTO IZUKU'S! UNDERSTAND!?"

Both understood that where they stand, Momo's their best ticket to continuing the great strength of their blood lineage to begrudgingly accept. "Understood."

"Good. I am going to leave this room and when I do, none of you are to ever try what you did the other night again." Momo left the room to start walking a little away before losing her temper and punching a wall in anger. Her fist went through it to reveal the inside held solid concrete that was shattered from impact. 'Just calm down. You shouldn't get yourself so worked up. It's not right to show this to Izuku.'

Later that evening

Izuku came out of the shower with some long sleeves and a turtleneck on. He was struggling to put his contacts on to decide to go for his glasses instead. It wasn't ideal, but it worked until he got into his and Momo's room. Opening the door, the green haired man looked behind it to make certain someone like Seras wasn't there to breathe a little relief. On the closed coffin he'd been sleeping in, he did notice Momo wearing an oversized long sleeve that could be deemed a type of dress looking somewhat agitated. "Momo. Are you ok?"

"I'll be fine, sir. I'm just a little angry is all."

"You wanna talk about it?" Seeing no issue, Momo patted the space beside her for Izuku to sit down. When he did, Momo began asking Izuku a question.

"Sir, do you ever envy that vampires have immortality?"

"Uhh...A little from time to time, but I'm sure everyone does."

"To be fair, I hate it. Though I haven't lived as long as my parents, the thought that I am going to forever exist and not look much different than I do in a few years is annoying to me. As far as power goes also, I'm stronger than either one of my parents, but this is where I'm looked at from a more outside perspective. People want to make me something I'm not and to be fair, I despise that. I would rather be you personally if we're being honest. Human, no different in power than your own kind, able to age with someone you love to the end of both your life spans. This is where my desire to withhold my power comes in."

"You withhold your power?" Momo nods at this.

"I do it more because I feel it's overkill, but also that it may make me more like my parents. Drunk on power, arrogant, and willing to step on anyone to get what they want. Once I met your uncle though, I was genuinely happy being able to be a maid. As weird as that sounds."

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