Unusual Attraction

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The next morning for Izuku came with the lights in the room not being on to have him lay in bed with a crack of light coming through the window curtains. "Mnnn. Five more minutes." He moved his hand to the side to grab ahold of something extremely soft and large. 'Huh?'

He continued to feel it to notice a strange bump

"*moan* You're so assertive in the morning, young master."

Looking over, Izuku noticed Nejire laying in his bed completely naked. Her body was facing Izuku while laying on her side with her left hand on her wide hips. Looking where his hand was, the green haired man panicked knowing what the 'extremely soft thing' he was touching was actually her. "AH!" He jumped back to feel an arm wrap around his torso and another body pushed against him.

"You're so eager in the morning. Any chance you can share with me some of that vitality~?" Looking behind, Izuku noticed Ochako naked as well licking under his nick to send a shiver down his spine. This unease only stopped when he felt something warm and moist under the covers. He pulled them up to see Yui in a similar state with Izuku's pants between his legs.

"You're so lively in the morning. This not so little guy could barely hold his excitement." She pointed to Izuku's crotch before the door opened to Shoko walking in to open the curtains.

"Alright. It's time to get up young master." She let light in to turn and saw all four in the bed with Izuku being out on display. The dual haired woman blushed a bit before grabbing the girls' clothes and throwing them on the bed. "Get dressed. We have work to do."

"Oh c'mon Shoko. We all know you want to have a little bite of Izuku too. I'm surprised you didn't use your head last night to-" Nejire was hit over the head with a duster.

"You have dusting to do. Now get to work." Nejire frowned before grabbing her clothes and the duster to dress in front of Izuku. "Ochako. You have to organize the supply room. We need a new invoice of food to suit the nutritional needs of the young master and his dog. Yui. You need to organize the paperwork for the young master to get up to speed for the CEO chair."

"Fine." Both turned to Izuku to give him a small hickey on both sides of his collarbone.

They changed and left for just the green haired man and Shoko to remain in the room. "I uhhh... I'm sorry if you saw something you didn't-"

"It's not your fault. Besides, that will probably be a morning routine with you going forward with the women here." Shoko went to the door and opened it. "Breakfast is ready. Please change and come downstairs when you are ready." The door shut for Izuku to feel as if he might've struck a nerve with the Dullihan. However, Shoko stayed outside the door for a moment hunched over. 'Dammit. Why did I have to see that?' She regained her composure with a red tint on her face. "I still have a job to do. I mustn't indulge myself yet."

After changing and going down to breakfast, Izuku was given a western breakfast of eggs and bacon with a cup of coffee that had a bit of milk in it. The coffee tasted strangely sweet for Izuku to ask if there was any sweetener in it for Pony to say it was only milk and a dark roast grind. It was strange for Izuku, but he didn't mind drinking it. Pony for some reason felt satisfaction seeing this with Itsuka coming over with Monchan.

"Young master. Monchan is fed and let out. I also made sure to give him a bath and groom his coat." Staring at the small dog, Monchan looked like he was extremely happy.

"Thank you, Itsuka. You didn't have to do this."

"On the contrary. I take satisfaction in doing this."

"I still should do something to thank you for going above and beyond for Monchan."

"Well....there is something you could do."

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