Chapter Thirteen

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The rest of the day at school wasn't normal at all. None of the teachers actually came in for taking their classes. Worksheets were distributed in order to keep us busy and distracted. Every student in the hallway was suspicious of the other. All in all, it was a mess.

"Aly, wait up." I see Iris rushing towards me.

"I forgot to tell you I have a doctor's appointment right after school and the hospital is the other way from your home. Will you be okay? I'm really sorry." She continues.

I smile and place a hand on her shoulder asking her to not worry about me.

"Are you sure? I feel really bad. If you want, I can still drop you first."

I quiet her down, telling her that I'll be fine on my own. 

Ever since I started school, Iris has been picking and dropping me religiously. Not once have I heard her complaining. I owe her a lot.

She mutters a thank you and a sorry before rushing out the school gate and disappearing out of sight.

I walk out a few minutes later, debating whether I should take a bus or just walk.

Should I just call Liam since he's home?

I think about it and pull my phone out.

"I can drop you home, if you want?" It was Xavi.

"How did you know?"

Before he could say something, I add more to my sentence.

"I was too loud for my own good in the middle of the hallway, wasn't I?

He runs a hand through his hair and smiles shyly. "Yeah. Maybe?"

I shake my head, smiling too. Like I said, it's hard not to smile back at him.

"Hey, you two!"
Max's voice makes our head turn back in unison.

"Would you like to join us for some Ice-cream?"

My mouth waters at the mention of Ice-cream. I really wanted to have some. I look at Xavi as if asking for his opinion since he might be my ride back home.

"Sure." He says before adding.

"If Alisson wants to."


We were now at the nearest Baskin Robbins, deciding on the flavours of the Ice-cream each of us wanted.

"Dark chocolate! Strawberry cheesecake! Caramel crunch!" Max, Dave and Justin shout, respectively.

"Mint Choco!" Decides Adrien.

Now it's just me and Xavi. I already knew what flavour I wanted but I like to hear everyone's choice first and then order last. It's a habit of mine.

"Cookies 'N' Cream!" Xavi and I yell simultaneously, both of us bursting into laughter at how loud our voice sounded together at the deserted area.

"Soulmates." Justin says, not long after.


We walk around different stores after finishing up the sweet treat. Don't ask me how but Max and Dave's hair was now all sticky and drenched with Ice-cream.

They couldn't even spare food while fighting.

We stop near a stall, our eyes attracted to the different accessories. 

"I think this would look great on you." Adrien speaks after a while, placing a bracelet on my wrist.

It had butterflies hanging from it. I observe it closely. Beautiful. Before I could refuse, Adrien had already paid for it.

"Thank you." I whisper back to him.

They all pick out something for themselves, except Xavi, who was just staring with a pout on his face.


I pick a clip on earring from the stall, opening the pack, I take it out. Separating the magnet and the earring and without giving much thought to it, I reach for Xavi. He flinches at my touch.

My hands must have felt cold.

Giving him an apologetic smile, I place the earring neatly, which was a difficult task as he was towering over me and him fidgeting wasn't helpful at all.

He turns to face a full length mirror which was placed right beside the stall. Bending a little as his height was more than that of it, he runs his finger on the earring. I take the chance and pay for it.

The black dangly chain style earring suited him really well. I suppose he did like it because of the smile on his face which soon vanished as he catches me paying.

"You didn't have to, Aly. Why did you pay for it?"
I shrug him off.

"Take that as a token of appreciation for getting me Ice-cream and also for being my ride." 

With that, I turn towards the others who now had matching black beaded bracelets on their hand.  Adrien throws a similar one at Xavi who grabs it effortlessly.

"I'm touched."

Adrien mutters 'dramatic' back at him as we walk away.


Rolling down the window of the car, I see them waving at us as we drive off to my home. 

"You have only been with Iris for most of your life, haven't you?"

I don't question him. Maybe it's too obvious to notice it.

"Just like you have always been with Adrien."

With a surprised look visible on his face, he says something, after which I doze off into a deep slumber.

"So we aren't that different, huh."


"Alisson? Alisson, wake up."

A soft voice nudges me awake. I blink my eyes in confusion before I notice Xavi. He had an apologetic expression on his face for waking me up.

Oh. I'm home.

I push the door open and walk away from the car, throwing a glance towards him as he yells 'Good night' to me before driving off.

Climbing up the small steps, while my hand fumbled to find the key. I freeze when it touches the metallic object as a thought crosses my mind at that moment.

But I never gave him my address.

My hands hurt from all the writing but I hope it's worth it.

Thank You for coming this far!



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