Chapter Three

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Just two more classes and I can go back home.

It's lunch break and I am waiting for Iris to come over since she stopped by her locker. Spotting an empty space, I sit.

The trip back from the Principal's office had made me feel uneasy. I didn't feel like eating anymore.

Such a strange man he was or maybe, I'm just overthinking every thing.

I distract myself and think about the boy in my class.

His eyes were light brown and skin, pale. There are indeed many boys with light brown eyes but his, they were different but very familiar to me. He wore a plain white t-shirt and black ripped jeans.

I can't believe I noticed so much about him.

My thoughts were interrupted by Iris.

"What are you thinking about, girl?" She said while sitting on the other side, facing me.

"Nothing." I shake my head and grab the juice waiting to be gulped down. 

"You sure?" She eyes me intently. 

"Yeah, completely." 

"What about him?" 

I choke on my drink and make some heads turn towards us. I'm not very good at handling situations like this. Hopefully Iris understands.

"Chill Aly! It's okay to like someone at first sight." She said in a calm tone, making me realise what she was saying is stupid and true at the same time.

"Come on Iris, you can't just like someone in what? Under a minute?" I say, trying to defend myself.

"But you can at least develop an interest, just like you did in class. I guess you never heard about love at first sight, Juliet." Iris said, while taking the last bite of her burger and wiping off her mouth.

"Honestly, I just felt he looked similar to-" I stopped short, obviously knowing what I would say next would land me in 'the Iris trap'.

Iris had a huge grin on her face. 

"If he looks similar to your dream boy then he is your dream boy. Isn't that how it goes?"

Ugh, Iris. 

We talk for a few more minutes until a girl walks towards us. 

She looks perfect. If there was a human example of perfection, she was that. Her hair was brown just like her eyes and she wore a black t-shirt dress.

To my surprise, she sat beside Iris. They both shared hugs and kisses like they have known each other for ages.

Iris then draws her attention to me and introduces her. "This is Jennie. She's a senior but still my friend."

I give a pleasant smile and greet her. 

"Hi Jennie. You look really pretty."

"Thank you, Alisson. You are pretty too, just like Iris had described. She always talks about you so I feel like I know you already."

I just joined Iris after so long. Of course she made some friends while I wasn't there for her. She wouldn't have been a loner like me. I'm glad for that though.

We then spend the rest of the lunch break laughing and talking about our lives.

We hear the bell, indicating that lunch was over and gathering our stuffs, we walked together to class.

"You guys are coming for the party, right?" Jennie asks after we leave the canteen.

I didn't know which party she was talking about so I leave it for Iris to answer her.

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