Chapter One

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I stared blankly at the wall ahead of me while still on my bed, thinking about what I was going to wear on my first day of high school and then it suddenly struck me...

Dad is leaving today. I wish he stayed a little longer.

Ever since mom left us, dad has been keeping himself busy with work. I was eleven and Liam, twelve, when she left us. Who knows where she went and how she is doing. All we care about is that she abandoned us. We decided not to mention her name in the house again. It has been six complete years and here we are.

I quickly rushed down the stairs to check on dad. I guess I was right, he was indeed leaving. I went further and hugged him tight, willing to not let go of him. It always feels empty without him.

I turned back to Liam and I could say he felt sad too. But since he had to maintain his 'big boy' reputation, he didn't show it. 

Boys have feelings too and I can understand that.

"Take care of your little sis and make sure that she is safe." Dad said as he walked out of the house.

"But dad, he is just an year olde-"

Before I could complete my sentence, Liam interrupted.

"Sure dad, will do." He was smiling at me.

Liam is not the overprotective kind of a brother but he cares about me.

We heard the sound of dad's car grow fainter and fainter and then it was gone. We came back in and closed the door.

I still have two hours left before going to school.

I was excited to go back to Stanford high. It has been years. 

When we moved out of town, I unfortunately had to change schools too. My brother decided not to join Stanford as he is too popular and has tons of friend at my old school. Unlike me.

We are totally opposite.

I decided to take a nap and quickly dozed off because I was too tired.

It has been a tough morning.


"Oh shit! I am late for school!" I scrambled out of my bed and straight to the washroom.

I knew this would happen.

I got ready in about fifteen minutes. I wore a plain white crop top and blue skinny jeans. I rushed down and wore my black Adidas shoes and was just about to leave when I got a call.

"Hey Alisson! Ready?"

"Hey! I totally forgot you were coming to pick me. Yes, am done." 

It was Iris, my one and only friend.

"Alright then. Come on, I am right outside your house."

I quickly went out and locked the door and there she was, in a blue dress. Her hair was of medium length, olive skin glistening in the sun and she looked beautiful like always.

I ran over and hugged her. A wide smile appearing on both of our faces. Pulling back from the hug, she slid into the driver's seat.

"Let's go." I nodded.

We kept talking about all the fun we had when we were kids and how things have changed. We shared our best and worst experiences. 

It was great having her back.

"So? Still a Wattpad addict, huh?" 

She asked while parking the car towards the right of the main entrance.

"Well, not really, but I am seriously addicted to one of the stories and can't seem to get it out of my mind." I said while trying not to sound too stupid.

"Addicted to the story or the boy?" She knew me well enough.

"Mm..actually..never mind!" I said, while thinking about how she still gets me to say the truth.

She already got her answer and we entered through the main entrance, laughing and teasing.

It was a big school and really beautiful. 

I would probably get lost if Iris wasn't here. I don't remember where the classes were or the senior block was, even when I try to recall it from my memory.

"So, we have a mission to accomplish this year, right?" She said, as we were heading for our class. 

"What kind of a mission?" I said, sounding confused.

"To find you the guy you have been forever fantasizing about."  She teased.

I turned my gaze down and blushed.

I really need to stop doing that. But honestly, it's not in my hands.

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For those of you who are reading, thanx a ton! It means a lot to me.

With love x


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