Chapter Twenty Two (PART-I)

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"I finally get to see you in this attire." 

My voice comes out soft, assuring that I was in no way against him. Which was true. 

But I don't think he was convinced or maybe, it was something else. He doesn't say anything, turning his back to me. I muster up all my courage, taking small and quiet steps towards him. It still seemed loud in the empty hallway. 

Putting my hand on his shoulder, I gently turn him around to face me.

If he wanted to run, he would have by now.

I move my hands to his hood and pull it down, revealing his face. He doesn't resist.

"Xavi." I confirm it.

He stares at me, his face full of doubts and eyes darker than usual.

Is he scared?

He opens his mouth to say something but then stops himself. 

"Let's get out of here first and then talk?"

He just nods at my suggestion and leads the way out of the school, to his car. I follow him, close behind. 

Adrien probably left, knowing I would get a ride back.

I slip into the passenger seat as Xavi throws his bag and the spray paint to the back of his Chevrolet Corvette. I will never get over how extravagant his black car is. 

Taking a deep breath, he finally turns to me. 

"You scared me back there." 

Those being his first words.

" I could say the same, you know? If it wasn't for Adrien, I would've never known."

"I knew that dumbass wouldn't hold back anymore but I didn't expect that he would send you to me."  He turns back to the front, driving out of the parking lot.

"I'm glad he did."

I smile at him as he clears his throat.

"You don't hate me, right?"

"No. I don't. In fact, I considered you a hero that day you exposed the Principal in the hallways."

This time, a smile appears on his face. Relief washing over his features.

"So Adrien knew all of this? No wonder I had my doubts on him."

"Yes he knew, but you had your doubts because you never noticed me before. Your attention was never on me."

It's because you are distracting, idiot. I decide against saying that out loud.

"That's not true. I didn't suspect you much because you were just too good at what you were doing."

"Oh, that I was."

"But not good enough to not be caught by me today."

"You know I could have easily escaped."

"Then why didn't you?"

"Because I didn't want to. I didn't want to run away from you."

I was trying to not pay attention to the wild beating of my heart but it was too much to ignore. I wished that whatever I was feeling right now lasted longer but I knew that wasn't possible as my next questions causes the air to get thick around us.

"What happened between you and the Principal? What made you risk so much?"

His knuckles turn white on the steering as he clutches it tightly before pressing on his breaks, bringing his car to a stop.

"He killed my dad."



Xavi guides me to his apartment, promising that he'll explain everything. 

"Do you want coffee or juice?"  He questions a few minutes after we enter. I scan the lavish surrounding.

His apartment is one of the cosiest I have ever seen. Most the things were in white, from the curtains to the fur carpet. Even the kitchen had white cabinets.


Any other day I would have asked for some coffee but today, I was craving something sweet. 

I sit on the stool by the kitchen island as Xavi joins me with the drinks.

"So where do I start?" 

He finally asks after taking a sip from the cocktail juice.

"You told me that he killed your dad. Why?" 

I decide not to beat around the bush for today. I have way too many questions I need an answer for.

"He wanted my dad's position as the Principal. He drugged him and made it look like suicide and I couldn't do anything."

I recall my memories, remembering the Principal from when I left Stanford high. He didn't even seem like a Principal, one of the most cheerful person to ever exist. He was Xavi's dad?

"How do you know it?" I try to keep my voice as low and steady as possible.

"I saw. I was only eleven then." 

Instinctively, I place my hand on top of his clenched fist on the counter. He gives a weak smile, staring at it.

"It must have been hard. He was a great man, just like you. But you didn't have to keep quiet about it. Does your mom know?"

He shakes his head and I hold my breath.

"She passed away when I was born. And about keeping shut, I was way too young for anyone to believe me and there wasn't a solid evidence anyway. But the only thing that held me back all this time wasn't the lack of proofs or my age. It was my aunt."

"Your aunt?"

Nothing had me prepared for what he was about to say next.

"The my uncle. My dad's younger brother."

I know that I got slow with the updates but I was editing some things out and planning the end, so bear with me!





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