Chapter Eighteen

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Ever experienced something like a flood of lollipops in your life? 

Well, I just did.

Not expecting him to react this soon to my request, I open my locker without a second thought and that's when the unexpected happened. 

Iris stood beside me, dumbstruck. 

Hundreds of lollipops were now pooling near my feet, some were still in my locker, unaffected by the force I applied while pulling it open.

And no, I'm not exaggerating.   

The students passing by were not so secretly stealing glances. A few even yelling out, 'someone got an admirer' on their way. I shuffle through the stuffs in my locker to find the camera, the unaffected lollipops joining the pile on the ground as I search for it.

It's gone?

In place of the black object, was another sticky note. I quickly peel it off to read it, Iris peeking in to see from beside me. Only this time, the message was longer.

'Not that easy to catch me, sweetheart. Nice try though. Heard you wanted lollipops from me? Although, it would have been better if you asked for a date with me instead. A good move to get me to reveal myself, right? Maybe, I would have actually agreed to it since I like you .P.S. I hope the lollipops are enough. If you need more, just ask away.'

After reading it, Iris had her mouth hanging open and I couldn't breathe anymore.

'I like you?' Did he just confess to me?

I take a look at the bottom of the note. It was signed, 'yours, lollipop boy'.

Is it bad that I could feel my heart fluttering?

"What is going on?"

Mr. Shane's voice makes me jump a little as I quickly shove the note in my back pocket. He was staring at the lollipops.

Oh no.

"It's my friend Mr. Shane. She looooves to surprise me." I say, wrapping my arms around Iris and nudging her forward. My grip tight, out of fear.

Sorry, Iris.

He was still eyeing the pile at my feet.

"I absolutely love lollipops!" I add.

"I can tell. Make sure that you clear the mess before the first bell." 

He finally looks at me. 

My life is over. Or so, I thought before he speaks again, the stern expression gone and a smile appearing on his face. 

"Do you mind if I take one lollipop? Kind of craving it right now."

I blink a few times before picking up two from the pile and handing it to him. He turns and walks away after muttering a 'thank you' and I stand there, speechless.

From the corner of my eye, I see Adrien and Xavi in the hallway, stifling a laugh.

"Help us out instead of just standing there." Iris speaks up as we bend to pick up the lollipops.

But the boys couldn't stop laughing at my misery, so we pushed them to go to class first as Iris discussed the situation with me.

"Do you still think it's Adrien?"

"I don't know." I answer her honestly.

"You know, the chances of Adrien liking you is pretty high."

"How? It can't be." The pile was getting smaller.

"Oh come on, Aly. Think about it. The way he tried his best to show you that he's sorry, gifted you a bracelet, calls you 'birdie' and all. It's obvious. In fact, I think he has been interested in you since we were kids because I never saw him approach any girl besides me but he did, at my birthday party. Also Aly, I don't think he pushed you into the pool. At least, not on purpose."

I sigh. What she's telling me could be true but then why did he lie to me about my diary? He never told Iris personally about liking me before so it can't be as a kid but then again, he knew my name before I even met him at the birthday. What does that mean?

Even Iris can't answer the burning questions inside me, even she doesn't know the secret that he's hiding.

Iris understands my silence and doesn't push me to talk.

After filling up my bag, Iris' bag and my locker with the lollipops, we pick one each and walk to the class.

"Where's our share of lollipop?" Adrien was still supressing a laugh, it was clear by his voice.

Is it really him? Does he like me? What if it's not him though?
Imagine confronting him and then being proved wrong. Embarrassing.

"They are all mine." I try to play it cool.

"But you gave not one, but two lollipops to that Shane guy. No fair!" Max pouts.

I shake my head, pulling out five and handing it to them.

"Was it really the hoodie guy?" Xavi questions, peeling the wrapper off the lollipop and putting it in his mouth. 

More like, the lollipop guy after the note.

"Yeah. Probably."

"I like him already. How did he know though? Is he in our class?!" Max almost screams.

"He has to be. I didn't say it anywhere else, that I wanted lollipops."

I answer simply. 

I didn't know whom to doubt anymore.

"Woah. That's awesome." Justin speaks.

Nothing is awesome.

"You aren't going to play 'Sherlock Holmes' anymore and find out who he is?"

Whenever Adrien spoke, I found myself getting flustered. But I didn't show it.

"No, actually. I don't want to get in trouble."

Deep inside, I knew I wasn't scared of getting in trouble. I was just scared of finding out who he really is.

Ah, the confusions.

Hope u like my story so far!



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