Chapter Sixteen

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To say that I was shocked was an understatement. The diary that I had lost all these years ago, was right in my hand.


Adrien clearly said that I must have lost it in the pool but then again, shouldn't Iris have found it later on, if it was really in there? This made me come back to the only conclusion..

Adrien lied to me?

I look closely at the 'thank you' note on top, as I peel it off, bringing it close to my eyes. Another thought crossed my mind, rendering me even more speechless.

Adrien is the boy beneath the hood?

I try to compose myself. Slipping the note in my pocket and holding the diary, I make my way to Iris.

"What took you so long, Aly? I was about to go in and check-"

She stops after seeing the look on my face.

Xavi was right. I really am like an open book.

"What happened?" She scans my face.

"My Diary." It's all I manage to say.

Her eyes widen and the reaction was no different from mine, which confirmed the fact that, she genuinely had no clue about it.

Iris signals me to get in the car, suggesting that we discuss about this at my home. I agree. Millions of thoughts and questions arise in my mind. Questions, I didn't have answers to.


"So you're telling me that, Adrien is the hoodie guy?"

"Yes." I answer simply.

"And what exactly made you come to that conclusion?"

I take out the 'thank you' note from my pocket and place it on the bed. We were in my room. While I comfortably sat on the bed, trying my best to convince her and also make sense of it all, Iris is pacing around the room before coming and sitting right in front of me, gently picking up the note.

Her eyebrows shoot up in confusion and she gives me the look that shows that she is nowhere near convinced. She looked even more confused.

"Seriously Aly? It's a thank you note!"

"It was placed on top of my diary."

"Okay, I get it. But that only means, that Adrien might have lied to you before and then changed his mind. Thus, returning you the diary. What makes you think that he's the hoodie guy? But wait. There should have been a 'sorry note' on top of it, for lying to you. Not a 'thank you' one? This is so confusing!"

Iris was practically screaming towards the end. I sigh and continue.

"That's the point. If there was a sorry note, I would have only concluded that he lied to me about not having my diary but there was a thank you note."

She was still confused and I kept going.

"Earlier in class, I said something like, 'he should have thanked me'. Adrien surely heard it. He even asked me, 'who?' and that is why I think that it's him. He heard me."

"Now, wait a minute. Why the hell would the hoodie guy slash Adrien, thank you, Alisson? What are you not telling me?"

Oh. I may or may not have left the important information out. 

I laugh at my foolishness.

"Alisson!" Iris yells out, clearly not amused by my actions. I would have thought someone was crazy too, if they laughed like I did, at the wrong time.

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