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Tom lost the trial.

He was sentenced to prison for harbouring drugs.

Erin was broken.

She should've spoken up at the trial.

But she didn't.

She was lonely. Of course she had amazing friends to help her through this, like Sonja, Tucker, Jordan, Leah, Sean, and Lizzie.

She had no romantic partner, though.

That is, until a few months after the trial.

She met a man named Mark. They started hanging out when she figured out he was a YouTuber as well.

They did a few collabs and such, went on a lot of dates, and after a year of being together, he proposed.

They had one kid. Her name was Talia Renee Fischbach.

Around this time, Tom was released from prison . . . to find that Erin was already taken. Married. Had a child.

Tom took his own life that night.

yin yang // thesyndicateproject / tom cassel auWhere stories live. Discover now