25: reassurance

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a/n: hi hi! thank you guys so so much for getting my ff #1 in jungwonff T.T i'm also at 1k views and surpassed 100 votes:(  i'll cry. anyways i'm now writing in real time so these a/n's will make more sense LOL. 


"You didn't have to come back this early you know." Choon Hee told her brother as he paced the apartment room. "I didn't have to?! Are you insane?" Jay finally sat down on the couch and rubbed his face. 

Jay took an early leave from the trip from the sudden news he received. Sudden? Maybe not the right word. He had already had some suspicions but did not expect it to go this route. 

"Sorry." Choon Hee quietly apologized. Jay looked up with a somber face, "Why is that?" "I've been a burden to Jungwon, to Sunghoon's family" She paused, "And mostly you." 

Jay slowly stood up. "Hey, don't be. It wasn-" "No I know what you're going to say. It is slightly my fault. You came here for school and I interrupted by tagging along. You made friends with Sunghoon but I interfered by also making friends with him and his sister. You left so that you could get a better understanding of your major and again I ruined it by causing all this."

There was a silence between the two until the older spoke up. 

"You never interrupted anything. You never interfered with my friendships or caused any of this." He walked over to his sister giving her a hug. "It already happened. Don't put this all on yourself."


Knock knock.

"I already told you.." "I know. Which is why I'm asking if I can just stay here with you around." 

Jay let Jungwon in the apartment and shut the door. Choon Hee walked out of her room, "Jungwon?" The boy refrained himself from acting too close, as her brother was still there. "Yeah it's me, how've you been?" 

"I'll be in my room. Don't leave though." Jay said as he left the two. Jungwon nodded and rocked back and forth on his feet. 

"I've been well." That was a lie, a huge one. Choon Hee couldn't think straight ever since she was told the truth. 

Jungwon interlocked his hand with her's and sat her down on the couch. "I'm sorry for not having been with you then." "Please don't apologize, you didn't know."

Choon Hee had a flashback to when Jay said the same thing to her. She now knew what Jay meant and how comforting it was. 

"You must be hurt. I knew I didn't like Yeji." "Enough about that." Jungwon paused to look up at her. She then smiled and said, "Let's talk about positive things. Act as if it never happened." 

Jungwon couldn't bring himself to say sorry again knowing she would be annoyed of those words. He was about to speak of something he never got to finish until she spoke first, "How's your family? Have you been able to see your parents enough?" "Yeah, they've visited less than before but we still keep in touch." Choon Hee nodded, "That's good! And your grandma and sister? How are they?" "Fine. My grandma has been making a good sale with her flowers lately so she's been in a good mood. My sisters still doing the usual, hanging with friends, walking Maeumi and so on." The two laughed a little.

"And you? Have you made a call to your parents yet?" He asked. "I have. Jay and I decided not to tell them about the incident though." Her voice trailed off a bit, "But it's okay, we don't want them worrying and Jay's practically an adult." 

The boy hesitated on his words but still began to speak, "Choon Hee, you do know I will do my best to be there for you right?" "Yang Jungwon. Please don-" "I'm serious. I know I failed this time but I want to be the one you can go to first. Ok realistically second to Jay. But you know he'll be on his own soon and-" She sighed, "Yes I know. You already are the first one I think of."

Her face started to go hot and the boy next to her noticed. He scoffed a bit making her turn her head. "What." "Oh nothing, I'm just assured now that you were telling the truth.", he smirked.

Jungwon gently turned her face towards him causing her to tilt her head. "Hm?" 

"You know that tale I told you about? Well I never got a chance to finish it."

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