Chapter Two

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A few days after...

It was laughter that woke Y/N up, on a warm sunny morning. She wasn't sure what day it was, but she was sure that Alex was missing from his side of the bed, and that the laughter was coming from outside.

And then she remembered.
Miles was staying over for a few days. Just for fun, it's not like he didn't have his own home. Him and Alex just liked to have a few days of messing around.

Y/N stretched in the bed, and then got up to have a look at what they were doing. When she peered out the window, she found a blowup pool that hadn't been there before, and Alex and Miles wrestling each other to see who would go under first.

She laughed as she watched it all go down, and she stuck her head out the window and cheered when Alex managed to push Miles under. In response Alex smiled back, waving up at her energetically, "Coming to join us, my love?" He shouted.

"Maybe." She responded, before walking away from the window.
Y/N got in the shower before putting on (summery outfit of your choice) with a swimming costume on underneath. She put her hair out of her face, the day being too hot for it, and went downstairs.

She headed straight for the Garden to see Alex and Miles. The first thing she saw, was of course, them fooling around in the pool. Instead ot them pushing each other under, they were now trying to get onto each other's shoulders without falling off.

It was a mess.

Alex finally managed it onto Miles' shoulders, and when he spotted Y/N he excitedly waved a hand. The action pushed Miles' off balance, and then the two of them were in the pool, slightly stunned as they hit the water.

Y/N rolled her eyes and placed her hands on her hips, "You two!" She scorned them playfully, pulling up a chair for her to sit on. But before she could even sit, an attack of cold water hit her body, making her yell and run to the other end of the garden.

When she looked at the two men in the swimming pool, they were giggling like children. "You coming in?" Miles asked, finding it very funny.

Y/N shrugged, "Might as well." She quickly took off her clothing and rushed to get in the pool. On a hot day like this, the cold water was welcomed.
The moment she was in the pool, Alex grabbed her by the waist, pulling her down into the water, and to sit by his chest. Miles made a joke, something she didn't hear, because she was too caught up in Alex. Just Alex. The way he laughed at Miles's shitty joke, with a look of pure joy, and then looked down at her. His skin, slightly tanned, his wet hair, the way his face creased with laughter, and how he slightly tilted his head at her. 

When she caught his eye, she gently looked away, like a schoolkid who'd been caught staring at their crush. It all happened in seconds, so quick that even Miles didn't see it. But it felt like minutes to the couple. And then it was over. 

Y/N was back in reality now. 


After the wedding ceremony, everyone went to the reception. 

The first few hours of it were people eating, toasts, speeches, cake and more. Miles did a speech with Jamie about Alex. Matt did a speech about Y/N. Alexa cried and hugged Y/N. Couple plates and glasses got smashed. 

And then everyone decided it was time to start dancing. The tables were put away with the chairs, people went for seconds of cake and more greeting guests happened. But, no matter where she looked, Y/N couldn't find her husband, nor their mates. It seemed that they had disappeared. Completely vanished. 

That was until a thick scouse  accent rang through the hall that people were waiting in, asking for everyone to return to the main room, bride first. Y/N did as was asked, guiding people into the main room, being just as in the dark as they were about what was happening. When she spotted Alexa in the crowd, she could see a smug look on her face, and knew that she had something  to do with it. 

But she didn't have much time to think about that.

Because up on the stage that had been set up, originally where the DJ/Band was going to be, now stood Arctic Monkeys, dressed in wedding attire. A hand went to Y/N's mouth as she began to laugh. Of Course it was them.

Suddenly Miles appeared beside her, "So, Misses Turner, what shall our first song be?" He asked, grinning. 

"How about..." Y/N pretended to think, "(fave arctic monkeys song. If you can't choose just use Arabella)" 

"Let it be." Miles waved his hands, called the name of the song out, and next thing she knew, the hall was filled with music. 


The monkeys played a few songs, and then Alex swapped out with Miles so that Y/N and him could have their first dance. They chose the song that they danced too that day in the kitchen, and it was beautiful with Miles doing his rendition of it. 

And in those moments, with Miles singing, and Alex in her arms, Y/N's life fell into place.

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