Chapter Thirteen

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Cry over exam results = write more (questionable) fanfic 

The Turners slept easy that night with dreams of what was to come, and when they woke up in the morning they began to plan how to tell everyone, friends and family.

However, the morning went as usual. Kisses on cheeks, cups of coffee and bowls of cereal while watching cartoons of Y/N's choosing. And it was while sitting on the sofa that Alex said, "We should tell Matt first." 

Y/N turned her head to face her husband before nodding, mouth full of Cheerios, "I agree." She said,  once she ate them, "He seems like...a good person to tell first."

Of course, the couple couldn't see just exactly how wrong  they were. Matt's excitement somehow meant he lost all ability to keep a secret. But they didn't mind.

So the next evening they invited Matt and Miles over for dinner.

They made the food together and then Y/N went upstairs early to get ready before coming back downstairs and finishing the food for Alex.

Finally, the doorbell went.

Y/N opened it with a million dollar smile, greeted by the sight of Miles and Matt bickering but assuring each other they looked good.

"Matt! Miles!" She wrapped her arms around them both, kissing them both on the cheek, "Come in, come in." She hurriedly moved out of the doorway and allowed the two men in.

"Y know the drill, make yourselves at home." She waved her hand around the space when Alex came back down in a fresh T-shirt and jeans.

"You alright, lads?" He said, kissing his wife's head before moving into the kitchen.

"Just gonna go help him dish up." Y/N nodded. She followed Alex into the kitchen as Miles and Matt sat down.

Eventually they brought out the food and dinner commenced.
They ate food as they chatted about music, partners and friends, people they disliked, people they wanted to know until everyone was done and tired out. Dessert was served shortly afterwards and that was eaten over a conversation about what TV people had been watching. Breaking Bad was a very popular subject within ten minutes.

Finally everyone became tired, and then Alex cleared his throat.

"So..." He turned to his wife, clutching her hand across the dinner table, "We have some news."

"You're adopting a cat." Miles nodded.

"No, no." Y/N giggled, "It's very early days and we have out first checkup next week but...we're having a Baby! It's very very early, but we think you guys of all people deserve to know." She beamed at everyone around the table.

"Wow..." Miles gasped.

"I thought you said she wasn't bloody pregnant!" Matt yelled.

"Well Yeah...we didn't know." Alex shrugged, grinning at his brother in law.

"Well we're happy for the both of you. Congrats. Holy shit we're gonna be Uncles! You're gonna have a tiny Turner!!"

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