Chapter Nine

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With their appearance at the party the interest in Alex and Y/N began to pick up again. Tabloids began to talk about rumours of a new album, what they'd been up to in their break, and some even talked of children. 

But the couple thought it was all trivial, until Y/N and Alex received an E-Mail straight from the BBC. The moment Alex spotted it in his inbox he practically hurtled through the house to find her. "Y/N!" He yelled, "Y/N, I have an E-Mail!!" 

Y/N, who was sitting in the front room laughed, "Yes, I know, I set it up for you." 

"No, No!" He sat down next to her, showing her his phone, "I mean, I have an E-Mail straight from the BBC, personally addressed to us. They want us to come and do an interview for them next weekend." 

Y/N's eyes went wide, "Alex, you're kidding! Are we saying yes or no?" 

He shrugged, "Well what do you think?" 
Y/N laughed, "I don't know. You're the famous one." 

"You forget, it's not my handiwork on the front of that album is it? So what do you think, yes or no?" 

"Oh my God, just say yes and we'll see them next week." 


"So here with me today I have Y/N and Alex Turner. With their recent appearances at a few parties, and a year after their latest album's release, we thought it a good idea to do a little interview." The interviewer, a woman who had the curliest hair, said to the camera.

"Alex, Y/N, welcome." She smiled greetingly at the two of them, "How are you?" 

Alex looked at Y/N, "We're good. We've been living quietly until recently." 

The interviewer grinned, "Aw, that's nice. And uh, what do you do to fill the time?" She asked.

"Well," Y/N laughed, "We spend a lot of time cooking...and drinking. Sometimes we have friends come over and we do Movie Night type get togethers. And on days when it's hot enough we pull out the blow up pool." She laughed. 

"How are the two of you finding Married Life?" She asked, looking between the two of them. 

Alex and Y/N looked at each other and laughed a little, before Alex answered, "I think it's one of the best things that ever happened to me. I've loved every second of my time with her, and I'm looking forward to much more." Alex smiled. 

In return, Y/N jokingly shrugged, "He's okay, I guess." She said, not being able to hold in her laughter, before turning and patting Alex's arm, "No, no, I love him. I think he put it perfectly." She nodded.

"It sounds like you both really love each other. Have you thought about children?" She asked, eyebrows raising slightly.

"We've had a few chats about it." Y/N nodded.

"I think it's something we both want, we're just not sure when. And if we did, I think we'd have to move to somewhere more...accessible." Alex agreed.

"Ah that's sweet."

And so the interview continued. Questions about Alex. Questions about Y/N. More questions about a new album from the Arctic Monkeys, about Y/N's photography.

And finally the interview came to an end.

Heyyyyy so I wanted to let everyone know that I am going on a short break to work on a X reader which I've had the ideas for for a long time.

Unfortunately, it's not Alex Turner, but rather Michael Langdon from American Horror Story. And yes, yes, I know he's the antichrist but he's hot, I don't make the rules so


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