Chapter Six

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The night was perfect. Just sitting around the table together, chatting nonsense and catching each other up on what was happening in their lives. Laughing about the old times, joking about the new. 

And when everyone had finished their food, Matt and Alex helped serve up dessert. They all ate together, nodding at each other's conversations.

It reminded her of when Alex and her first got together. Apart from that fact that they were so young then, and looking around the table it was hard to believe that it was only a couple years. Everyone just seemed so much more...mature. Y/N wasn't sure if she liked it or not.

After dessert was done, they all moved to sit on the sofa. Y/N kicked off her shoes, sitting next to Alex and putting her feet up on the sofa. 

"Anybody fancy a background film?" Alex asked, grabbing the controller.

"Sure." Jamie shrugged.

Alex flicked through the channels until he found (film of choice) and he put it on, knowing Y/N liked it. She gave him a quick smile which no one else saw. Small things. 

The night quickly escalated into silly teenage games like Truth or Dare, Seven minutes in heaven and the like. For seven minutes in heaven, Y/N got paired with Nick. As they didn't have a cupboard of sorts, they simply locked themselves in the bathroom for seven minutes. The time was spent chatting shit about other people, and telling shitty jokes.

After the games, it got quite late. People were beginning to get tired, Alex and Y/N resting their heads on one another's shoulders, and Miles and Matt were falling asleep where they sat. The Couple invited Nick, Jamie and Alexa to use their guest rooms, while Alex put Matt and Miles to bed on the sofas.

The three of them gladly accepted the offer, and went upstairs to get ready for bed. When all was said and done, Alex joined Y/N upstairs where she was getting ready for bed. As he came in Y/N smiled, "I really enjoyed tonight." 

"Me too." He nodded, taking off his blazer and his shirt, "It's been a while since we were all together like this." he reminisced.

"When was the last time?" Y/N asked, looking over at her husband.

Alex breathed in deeply, thinking about the question, "Ooo, maybe our wedding. Or an event after our wedding...maybe." 

"Wow.." Y/N's eyebrows raised slightly as she climbed into the bed. 

Alex was quick to join her, "I know right! Wow, indeed." 

Y/N got herself comfortable, lying on his chest with her hands around his waist while he hugged her, "Can't wait to see the state this lot are in tomorrow morning." She laughed.

"I wouldn't be shocked if Miles and Matt had their own little party halfway through the night." Alex joked.

"No, no, me neither. Well, they're free to help themselves to the Alcohol." She looked up at him, suddenly changing the subject, "Al?" 

"Yes, my love?" 

"I've been thinking about going back to work. But maybe as an artist instead of a photographer." 

"I think whatever you chose to do, you'll be great at it." He placed a hand to her head, and started to fidget with her hair, "You do whatever makes you the happiest, baby."

"Yeah..." She smiled, gently closing her eyes, "G'night Alexander." 

"Goodnight Y/N." 

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