Chapter Ten

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Y/N and Alex left the BBC studio hand in hand, Alex's shades slipping down his nose and Y/N's pushed up.

"Wanna grab lunch?" Alex asked, turning to his wife.

"Sure." She smiled at him, "What are you thinking?" 

He shrugged, "Not a clue. Maybe we just walk around the highstreet and see if we can find somewhere to eat?" 

"Yeah." Y/N agreed. The two of them nodded at each other in agreement before beginning their walk. It was a lovely warm day and as they walked they passed couples, friends, families, all of them enjoying the sun. 

After about fifteen minutes of walking they came across a small cafe, exactly what they were looking for. It looked like a cafe you'd find in a story, all of the tables were round with little forget-me-nots in jars. When they walked in they found shelves full of books and random mis-matched antiques. The counter of the cafe was a light yellow, and there were other knick-knacks that matched the colour. It was very sweet and small, it made the two of them feel at home and safe. 

Alex and Y/N found a table outside and took a seat. It was a small round table with wooden folding chairs, and menus tucked away to the side. Y/N sat down, put her coat on the back of her chair and picked one up, Alex following. 

Y/N checked the menu, looking if there was anything that caught her eye, "Ooh! They have (Food of choice)! I think I'll have that." Y/N nodded as Alex chose his food. The two of them also got (tea/coffee/other) and then Y/N went to order.

"Hi," She smiled at the person behind the counter, "Can I get (food) and also um (drink) pleas?" She asked, preparing to present her card.

As the person held out the scanner they raised an eyebrow, "Do I know you from somewhere? What's your name...if you don't mind me asking?" 

"Y/N..." The person made a face as if to say, "continue". "...Turner?" She finished. 

"Oh! Right, that's who you are!" The person nodded, "Anyways, that'll be £15 please." They smiled and Y/N paid.

Y/N walked back out, somewhat dumbfounded. She sat back down at the table and immediately began chatting to her husband.

"You alright?" She asked him. 

"Yeah, love, you?" He smiled, removing his sunglasses and tucking them into his shirt.

"Good as gold." She laughed, "How did you feel about the interview?" 

"I thought it was pretty good, y'know. I actually quite enjoyed it, she was respectful too, which makes a change." He nodded, making an odd expression with his lips while nodding.

Y/N simply laughed at him, "Do you miss being with the band?...'cause I miss taking photos of all of you." She confessed.

"I think I do, just a little. Might be time for a new album." He shrugged, putting the idea out in the open.

Just as he finished speaking the doors to the cafe opened and out came the waiter, placing down their food and drink and leaving with a smile and a little wink. Y/N and Alex looked at each other confused before they looked down at the drinks and found a foam pattern in the wavy lines of the AM album cover. So that's what the wink was for.

Alex laughed, finding it quite amusing as Y/N took a quick photo. "I like it." She nodded to Alex and he agreed, still laughing.

Once Alex stopped finding it so amusing they began to eat, offering each other bits of their food and saying how good it was. 

They had missed this.

Guess who's back! whoooo! anyways so I hv a cold and I'm watching the handmaid's tale atm. But I watched Turning Red earlier, and not a single complaint.

Hope you've all been good!! 

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