Chapter Four

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Miles stayed for a few days longer. The evenings were filled with lazily sipping wine on the sofa, and laughing the night away.
The day Miles went home, Y/N and Alex spent the day tidying the house, and ended up going to bed early to watch TV.

"I feel like we're getting old, my love." Alex mused as he put on some more comfortable clothes.

"Please," she scoffed, "We're not old! We're late 20s you fool." She smiled at him lovingly despite the scolding words.

"I know that!" He laughed, "It's just...going to bed early to watch TV feels like something old..."

"We're not old, Al. We're just comfortable." She said, pulling back the covers of the bed and climbing in. Alex quickly joined her, shuffling closer to Y/N in the bed, so he could cuddle up to her, resting his head on her chest and laying his arm across her waist. Y/N's hands went straight to his hair, slowly getting longer from his buzzcut. 

"I love you." He mumbled.

"I love you too." She laughed, and he listened to the sound of it in her chest, followed by her steady heartbeat.


Y/N woke up earlier than she should've, the sky a light blue as the sun began to creep into the sky. She turned over, looking for Alex, but he wasn't there, his side of the bed being cold and empty. 

She sighed and slowly got up, beginning her search for her husband. It didn't take long. 

The moment she walked into the front room she saw him, his head lolled back on the arm of the sofa, mouth open, softly breathing. His hand was falling off the side, a pen barely in his fingers, and a notebook was sat on his chest. It was one Y/N had gotten him at some point.

Slowly, she sneaked up behind him and lifted the notebook from his fingers. There on the page, were the words,

"I just wanted to be one of those ghosts

You thought that you could forget

And then I haunt you via the rear view mirror

On a long drive from the back seat

But it's alright 'cause you love me

And you recognize that it ain't how it should be

Your eyes are heavy and the weather's getting ugly

So pull over, I know the place

Don't you know an apparition is a cheap date?

What exactly is it you've been drinking these days?"

It wasn't like something she'd ever seen Alex write, but she liked it, she thought it was fucking beautiful. Y/N sighed, folding the notebook shut and placing it to the side, on the coffee table. Then, she gently began to wake up Alex, "Al...Al..." She whispered, "My love..." He began to stir, "C'mon darling, let's get you to bed for a few more hours." 

Slowly his eyes opened, and he smiled upon seeing her, "Why don't you just join me here?" he joked, a slight chuckle.

"There's not enough room, Al." She smiled.

"Ah, bullshit." He laughed, pulling her down to lie on top of him, placing her head on his chest and her legs between his, "See! There's plenty of room for the two of us." 


"Imagine what it would be like with three of us." His eyebrows raised. 

"Whatcha' sayin' Turner?" Y/N asked playfully.

"You tell me, Turner." Alex shot back. The moment he said it, he could see that twinkle in her eyes, the one she always got whenever they were having a moment like this. Moments that were just them, quiet and intimate. The twinkle she got whenever he reminded her they were married, whenever he reminded her that he was here to stay.

In response, Y/N laughed before looking up at him, "I can't go back to sleep now." 

"Why's that?" 

"This little conversation has made me too awake. Fancy getting dressed and going for a stroll?" She offered.

"Baby, the sun's barely up yet." He pointed out, placing his hands on her face to gently hold it.

"Never stopped us before." She said. 

"Mhm, true." He laughed, "Best get dressed then." he smiled. 

She patted his chest twice before getting off him and offering him a hand up. He took it, pulling himself up and falling into her. Alex smiled at Y/N before placing a hand on the side of her face and gently kissing her. When they broke apart, they were both giggling. 

"Go get dressed," He said, "I'll make some coffee." He wandered into the kitchen, watching her go to their bedroom. Before she could get there, she turned back.

"Alexander," She called down the corridor. She hardly ever called him that, but god did he love it, "I really liked your lyrics. The ones in your notebook." She said, and he knew exactly what she was talking about.


It didn't take the two of them long to finish their coffees and get dressed. Alex was wearing a long light brown coat, those shoes he loved so much, jeans a T-shirt. Y/N was wearing (literally whatever outfit you want. Creative freedom my lovelies.) 

They left their house and set off the down the road, arm in arm, just enjoying the silence of the morning and the company of one another. The sun had come up not too long ago, and not many people were out at the moment. Maybe the early morning jogger, if that. However, they both knew that very slowly, the streets would start to fill with commuters making their way to wherever they worked.

Slowly yet surely, the couple made their way down to the beach. Walking along the sand, the cold wind whipping his face, Alex looked at Y/N, "Maybe we should move again." he sighed.

Y/N turned to Alex, a frown on her face, "How come? We've barely been in this house." 

" wasn't your first choice, and if we're thinking about...the future, maybe we should get a house closer to the city." He suggested.

Y/N sighed, "Al, I'm happy here. Are you?" 

"I am." He answered, not missing a beat between speaking and holding Y/N's hands. 

"I think until we start considering children as a serious sort of thing, we should hold off moving again. I know it's something we both want in the future but-" 

"But I think we need a few more years just me and you." he butted in. 

Y/N smiled, appreciatively, "Yeah. Exactly." She nodded, "Unless you feel strongly about moving again, I don't think we need to." 

"Neither do I. I was just thinking about if you would like to. I know you weren't too fond of this house when we got it." He laughed.

"That's because at the time, the house wasn't ours. It was a blank canvas, but since then we've filled it with things that belong to us, that we hold close and we've decorated it in a way that makes us happy. And that makes me happy. I'm happy to see that house everyday. And I'm even happier that we get to live in it together." She smiled at him. 

"Me too, my love." He said, raising one of her hands and placing a kiss to the back of it.

A/N: Hello Everyone!!! I am back!! I realised how much I missed I missed writing this story in the month and three days I was gone, and I'm so happy to be back at it again. I will be updating a lot tonight on my oneshots book bcs youtube playlists hit a bit different so yeah. Anyways, had a really hectic few weeks at school, there's a lot of performances and music things I've been involved with, but now everything's kinda calming down and I should be able to update more. Anyways, enjoy!! xoxo

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