Chapter Eight

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"I guess...what just happened is (singer/actor) likes our work." Y/N smiled at Alex.

Alex ran a hand through his hair, somewhat still shocked.
But the night continued, full of laughing and dancing, and they bumped into their admirer quite a few times.

One of those times was when they asked Y/N to dance with them, and of course she said yes. They spent about ten minutes together on the dance floor before Y/N decided to return to her Husband, who was watching jealously.

Y/N almost laughed at him, "I got to dance with them." She said playfully, "How's it feel to be their least favourite?"

At this, the little act broke and Alex hung his head as he laughed, "You...are something else." He shook his head at her, smiling all the while.

"Yeah well, you married me." She shrugged, going to stand next to him.

Alex kissed her temple, "And I'm glad I did." He cast a quick glance around the room, "Do you remember that time you punched that guy outside that pub?" 

"Oh my god!" Y/N laughed, "Yes, Yes I do! Those were early days.." 

"Weren't they? We should go back there sometime, take everyone with us." Alex suggested.

"I may not be welcomed back, 'specially not after he went in there and complained about me to everyone. Had it coming though, and the chippy we got after was amazing." As she spoke Y/N wrapped her arm around Alex's waist.

"Well...we could be assholes and go somewhere fancy. Might not feel the same as the Local, but hey." Alex looked down at her, checking her expression, and raising his eyebrows slightly.

"Mmm, true." Y/N glanced around the room, then sighed, "How long do you think this party will last?" 

"Not to sure, my love. We can always leave early. But first," Alex took her hand, walking backwards towards the dance floor, "I wanna get a dance in with you. If (singer/actor) get's to dance with you, I think it's only fair I do too." He smiled, smugly, before reaching the dancefloor and pulling her in tight and close to him. 

They danced to whatever song was playing, slow and intimate, with little kisses on cheeks and smiles and giggles in between. Once they'd had enough, the two of them returned to the side and quickly found (singer/actor) again. They thanked them for everything, and they reminded them of the appreciation for their work.

The couple loitered around for a few minutes more before returning to their car and driving home. They tumbled into their house, not drunk at all, but just happy from their first night out in a long time. However, they were tired and going to bed was the first thing on their minds. Even as they put on their pyjamas and cuddled in bed, they still talked about what had happened over the evening and they fell asleep happy.


When they woke up, it was the late morning, getting dangerously close to the early afternoon. The two of them took a shower together, the activity leaving them much more awake than they previously were. They got dressed, and then Y/N sat Alex down and began to do his hair. 

It wasn't often he let her do it, and it wasn't often she asked, but when she did and when he let her, it was something the two of them enjoyed. Alex would sit in silence, and just enjoy the feeling of his wife playing with his hair, while Y/N would hum a song and laugh slightly at her husband's enjoyment. 

"Darling, do you want it tied up or gelled?" She asked, after she'd brushed it all out.

"Tie it up, why not? It's gotten quite long." He laughed, reaching around to feel it.

Y/N stretched a hairband round her wrist, before brushing all of Alex's hair into her hand and twisting it into a bun before wrapping the hairband round it twice, making sure it was tight enough to hold. 

"Happy?" She asked, pulling out a mirror to show him. He reached round to feel it again before turning around and kissing her, "Thank You, My love." 

"No problem." She kissed his cheek, "Fancy going on a picnic today?" she asked.

"Mhm, yeah, sounds good. Make some sandwiches and then go to the shop and pick up some fizzy drinks...or alcohol." Alex suggested.

"An excellent plan." Y/N laughed. She stood up, "Best get started then." 

Y/N and Alex headed downstairs to the kitchen. Alex made the sandwiches and Y/N made the salad to take. "Hey," She said while cutting the vegetables, "We'll pick up some shop bought cake while we're going for the drinks." 

"Great idea." Alex nodded with her. 

They finished making their food, before putting in containers and shoving it in a bag. Then the coats and shoes went on before they left their house. It was a short walk to the shop and an even shorter walk to the park. 

When they reached the shop they picked up more than they had originally intended to. Strawberries, raspberries, a lemon drizzle cake and different types of drinks including diet coke, cans of beer and dandelion and Burdock, like the old days. As they picked it up and placed it in the trolley, Alex gave a knowing look to Y/N before the two of them started laughing. 

Then they payed before walking to the park, one of them holding the bags with the new food and one of them holding the food they'd made at home. They quickly made their way to the park. They found a nice spot to sit amongst the trees and flowers, and once they placed the blanket out and sat down Y/N rested her head in Alex's lap.

"I'm getting out the strawberries, want some?" Alex asked, leaning over to reach for the bag.

"No, no, I'm okay." Y/N smiled up at him, as Alex brushed some hair out of her face.

"You are so beautiful." Alex sighed, smiling down at her.

"So are you. My pretty, pretty boy." She smiled back.

And that was the only conversation they had for a short while, they just sat in silence, eating strawberries which Y/N had changed her mind about the moment Alex began eating them.

"Al?" Y/N looked up at the man she had married, finally breaking the silence.

"Yes, my love?" 

"What do you honestly think about having kids?" She asked.

"I think that if that's what you want then I'm willing to give it a try." Alex gently kissed her head.

"I don't think we're ready yet. But it's definitely something I'd like for the future."

"For the future." 

The two of them couldn't have interpreted how soon the future would come.

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