Chapter Twelve

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After Y/N recovered from being attacked she was promptly dragged into the rehearsal room to sit with the Monkeys as they performed. On the way there she managed to grab her camera from the bookshelf, and with their permission, she occasionally snapped a few shots.

But it was as she sat on one of the larger amplifiers, taking a photos, that a slight feeling of nausea overcame her, and she quickly excused herself her to the bathroom. Y/N got on her knees, preparing to be sick, but nothing came. Initially, she would've put it down to a slight bug, or having eaten something bad. However, when her eyes met the medicine cabinet, doubt crept in, and she rushed back to the rehearsal room, coat in hand.

As she shuffled it over her shoulders she stuck her head through the door, "I'm going to the shop for a second, anyone want anything?" 

"No thanks, we're good." Alex shrugged, looking around, "Don't be too long, sweetheart." He smiled at her, and she smiled back with a "I won't" before leaving the house.

It was about a ten minute drive to the store and back, and on the way there she desperately tried to recount the last time her and Alex had slept together. She also tried to remember when she was supposed to get her period, and if she'd noticed anything before now. And then she reminded herself that there was a chance she wasn't pregnant, and she was just plain old sick. 

Without thinking anymore about it Y/N made her way into the shop, picking up what she initially came for, a few other bits and pieces, a pack of drinks for the boys and a bottle of orange juice for herself. (if anyone gets the reference I beg tell me)

She shoved all the stuff in a bag, putting the pregnancy tests at the bottom and the Juice at the top. The moment she got in the car, the bag in the passenger seat, she took the orange juice and downed half of it before setting off back home.

Y/N's plan was working. When she got home she desperately needed to pee so she dropped the bag of shopping off at the door, dug through it for the pregnancy tests, announced she was home and rushed to the bathroom. The moment the door was locked she tore the tests out of the packet, scanned through the leaflet to get the idea and peed. When she was done she sat on the toilet lid and waited, hoping that the extra amount of time she was spending in the toilet wouldn't be too suspicious. 

Little did she know that Alex was a bit preoccupied.

While she was gone the Monkeys had taken a break, and during that time Matt cornered his brother in-law and lowered his voice so only the two of them could hear it, "I saw your interview," he announced, "So children is next on the agenda, ey?" 

"Well yeah, we've talked about it." Alex said, being careful about his word choice or else Matt might get the wrong idea. 

"And Y/N? She's pregna-" Before Matt could finish his sentence he was interrupted by Alex laughing.

"Matthew, she's not pregnant yet. If she was, you'd be the first we'd tell. Promise." Alex offered his best mate his pinky, like they were teenage girls, but Matt still accepted it. 

"I don't think I would mind being an uncle. Your kids would be cute." 

If only Y/N could have heard the conversation that her husband and brother were having, then maybe she wouldn't have worried so much about the little cross on the stick which, according to the pamphlet, meant she was pregnant. 

She wasn't upset about it, in fact she was rather ecstatic. This is what Alex and her had been talking about for the longest time, and she was going to tell him the first chance she got. Initially, she wanted to run into the rehearsal room, leap into his arms and announce it to the world, but she decided against it, and instead returned to drinking coke, sitting on an amplifier, with her camera and a life growing inside her. 


That evening, after everyone left, Alex and Y/N were sitting on the sofa, chatting away normally when Alex brought up the conversation with Matt.

"Matt cornered me earlier on." He started.

"What did he want?" She looked up at him from where she was lying in his lap, while he played with her.

"Told me he saw our interview." Alex admitted.

"Oh?" Y/N shut her eyes as she relaxed, "What did he say?" 

"He said he wouldn't mind being an uncle." then Alex started to laugh, "He also presumed you were pregnant."

Well, she just couldn't stop herself, could she. He walked straight into that one. 

"I am." 

Alex's eyes went wide as he snapped out of the casual talk mode he was previously in, and now into panicked husband, "What?!" He sat up, pulling her up with him so he could see her eye to eye.

"Today. When I went to the store I went to get a pregnancy test. I don't was just a whim? A hunch? I'm not sure, but I picked one up, and the results were positive so...?" She shrugged a bit awkwardly.

For the second time that day Alex tackled Y/N onto the sofa before kissing her like she was about to fall out of his arms.

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