Secret Homework

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I open the book and lean back on the bed to get ready to read. I lay down and smile to myself.

'A horcrux is an object that a dark wizard or witch hides a part of their soul in to make them immortal. A horcrux is usually an object that holds some importance to the witch or wizard, something with meaning. Horcruxes can only be created once that witch or wizard takes someone else's life. Most witches and wizards who make horcruxes are hidden in secret locations, sometimes they can be meaningful locations, and can be hidden behind protective spells.'

Well, this entire horcrux thing seems really fucked up. You have to take someone else's life to make themselves immortal. People really do things like this? For power and for immortality.

'Horcruxes are considered to be the most terrible of the dark magic.'

"No shit." I mumble to myself and roll my eyes.

There was an entire history and the origins of horcruxes, going over where the first horcrux was created and by who. I decide to skip that part. I don't care who did it first and it's not going to help me. The only thing I might want to know is what's wrong with the person who invented the horcruxes. What the fuck was going through that person's head?

'Horcruxes were considered to be so horrible that they were kept a secret from most of the wizarding world. Very few people know about them, it wasn't taught at school and barely talked about. Books were hidden from everyone. Most school's don't even have books on horcruxes.'

Well, apparently our school didn't follow that rule because this book was found in our restricted section.

'Very few witches and wizards even knew about horcruxes, but some that did are Professor Slughorn from Hogwarts Witchcraft And Wizarding School. Albus Dumbledore is another one of the wizards that know about horcruxes and is also one of the wizards that are enforcing the rules in schools.'

"Okay great, now how does one destroy them?" I ask myself.

Finally I come across the chapter that's called destroying horcruxes and I sigh with relief. This is taking way longer than I thought. I've read about 10 chapters, all of them extremely long and full of useless information that I didn't need. It's been an hour and Andromeda should be coming soon. I'd like to finish this before then and send the letter to Reg.

'Destroying a horcrux requires that whatever the object is that contains the witch or wizard's soul is completely destroyed beyond any and all physical or magical repairs, meaning it can never be fixed.'

"Great." I mumble.

'Sometimes that object may bleed or scream or even have dark magic coming out of it when you destroy it.'

"All of this information and no way to actually destroy it yet. There's got to be a spell or something." I think to myself.

'There are a few different ways you can destroy a horcrux but regular spells like incendio will not work. You have to essentially kill the inanimate object. There are rumors that the fiendfyre spell may work but no one has ever confirmed how to destroy one. The Gryffindor Sword was also rumored to work but again, not one method was officially confirmed.'

What the fuck is a fiendfyre spell?

I look at the back of the book where some definitions are and found fiendfyre. It's a curse that produces enchanted flames that can be very big, and the heat is capable of destroying almost anything that gets in the way. The flames take form of a gigantic beasts like a dragon or serpent.

"Right, sounds safe." I mumble.

I slam the book closed and go to my desk. The parchment and quill was already set up but where do I even start?


I did some research on how to destroy one and I think I found something. I'll spare you the details of how I got a book since technically there shouldn't even be books on them. Anyway, they're supposed to be very hard to destroy and normal spells that you've been trying won't do anything.

You have to destroy it beyond fixing. At least that's what the book said. It also said the Gryffindor sword could probably do it, but I don't even know where to begin to look for that. Don't worry, I found a possible other solution.

It's a little dangerous so if you do try this, please be careful and write to me immediately after so I know you're safe.

It's called fiendfyre curse and it's supposed to be a very big and wild, the flames can take the shape of a serpent or dragon, and the heat is supposed to destroy anything that gets in its way.

Like I said, it's very dangerous so if you use it, please be careful. Don't do anything stupid.

By the way, your letters are my favourite part of the day too.

And I know... I really should've woken Sirius up earlier. I've learned from my mistake and will do that next time.

I love you, and I hope I was some help. Write back as soon as you can.

Your Hufflepuff.


Not long after I sent the letter, Andromeda showed up with some snacks from the kitchen.

"Wow, she comes with snacks." I say and smile at her gratefully.

"Yes, you can never go wrong with bringing snacks with you to meet friends."

"You're not wrong there."

"Come on in, you can definitely allowed to come in now that you have snacks." I say, moving out of the way to let her inside.

"Thank you, thank you." Andromeda says as she comes inside and sets the tray of snacks on the desk.

"So, how have you been?" I ask her as I sit down on the bed. She sits down beside me.

"Things have been getting better. My family still hates me because of Ted but things with Ted have been really good."

"I'm glad to hear that. You and Ted are really good together."

"Thank you, I really love him. How are you doing?"

"I'm doing okay."

"You're insanely strong." Andromeda says to me. "I don't know how you do it."

"Spending time with my friends helps a lot." I tell her. "Whenever I miss him, being with you or the boys or Sirius helps me a lot."

"Well, I'm glad to be here and can't wait for the three of us to hangout."

"So, when are we doing that and what do we want to do?" I ask her.

"We could go to the three broomsticks for some butter beer. Ted loves butter beer."

"Oh that sounds very fun." I say to her.

"That was easy!" Andromeda says, throwing her arms up. "Can we eat the food and watch a movie or something?"

"Sounds good to me, I cleared my entire night for you." I say to her and she smiles gratefully at me.

"You're so sweet! Okay, you pick a movie and I'll put the snacks closer."

We sat down and watched a movie until she got tired and went back to her dorm room and I was alone in Regulus' room again. I'm excited to get butter beer with Ted and Andromeda but I really miss Regulus. I wish he could just come over and hold me.

I lay down on the bed and wrap my arms around a pillow.

This is a lot harder than I thought it would be. Missing him every moment of the day, but mostly at night. I cry to myself quietly while hugging the pillow until I fall asleep.

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