Chapter 19, 'Put my fucken film back on,'

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4th May 1919, Small Heath Birmingham

Sitting in the kitchen with Polly had become sort of a daily routine for Libby. She would wake up at 7, wake James and Finn up before she would get dressed and meet Polly in the kiten to help cook everyone's breakfasts. Then after every had ate she would help Polly clean up and the two would sit in silence enjoying each other's company until John woud shout Libby through to the betting den to help take bets and add the numbers up, because as John claimed 'Arthur is shit at numbers' that was true as Arthue couldn't add maths to save his life.

This morning however, John hadn't yet shouted LIbby through and Ada, who Libby had not seen since she helped her sneak out to meet Freddie, joined them.

"Good of you to joining us." Polly eyed Ada suspiciously, before continuing, "Where have you been all day?"

"In Bed, I couldn't sleep, then I couldn't wake up, then I was cold and then I had to go for a wee. Then there was this bear on a boat, but that was just a dream. Then I was hungry." Ada finished listing her morning activities, she continued, " Why are you reading the Papers?"

"Why wouldn't a be?" Polly questioned back.

"I've never seen you read the papers. I've only ever seen you light fires with them." Ada snapped back, shuverling bread in her mouth.

"The BSA are on strike. The miners are on strike. The IRA are killing our men 10 a day." Polly concludes, putting down her paper and picking up her cup of tea to look at Ada. Libby had stayed fairly quiet, too busy watching Ada try to fit a full slice of bread with jam in her mouth.

"What?" Ada asked, wondering why the two other women in the room were suddenly staring at her.

"Stand up." Polly demand.

"Why?" asked Ada confused but she listened and rose from her chair anyway.

"Side on." Polly demand. Ada huffed but listened and stood side on as Polly grabbed her boob.

"Polly, what are you doing?" Ada asked moving away from her aunt.

"Ada," Polly was serious, however Ada and Libby weren't. They were both as confused as each other by Polly's behaviour. "How late are you?"

"One week," Ada answered confidently. A confidence that was immediately broken by one look from Polly, "Okay, five weeks." and again Polly gave Ada a look that said 'I don't believe you.' Ada huffed again, "seven if you count weekends. I think it is lack of iron." Ada was now thinking what both Polly and Libby were thinking but she wasn't fully convinced, "I got some tablets." she announced hopefully.

"But they didnt work?" Polly said and again it broke adas confidence and hope.

"No." Ada slowly muttered.

Polly then left muttering something about going to see a lady to confirm if Ada definitely was or not.

"Ada, it's Freddie's isn't it?" Libby asked Ada quietly out of fear of being overheard.

Ada just nodded and grabbed hold of Libby's shoulder, "Promise me you wont tell Tom or any of my brother."

"I'm not gunna tell anyone Ada, shit happens, it's up to you what you want to do, you're a grown woman. You don't have to tell me dad nout." Lbby reassured Ada, "Tell you what, go with Pol now and when you get back if your pregnant we will go to the pictures and see the new Rudolph Valentino movie and if your not then i guess after the picture we can go have a drink somewhere and have a girly night."

Libby's smirk was almost identical to one Tommy used to do before the war when he was trying to cheer up one of his siblings. It reminded Ada that even though the kind, caring Thomas she had known before the war was lost, maybe there was a chance he could come bak and the one to bring him back might just be the girl sitting in front of her.

Ada had arrived home amear 2 hours after her and Polly had left. Libby's suspicions had been confirmed that Ada was indeed pregnant when she saw the state of her aunt. Ada was a mess, her hair was messy and her eyes were puffy from crying.

When Ada and Libby arrived at the pictures it was practically empty and they managed to get about one third of the way through the movie before a very angry looking Thomas Shelby burst through the door. Looking back at the noise and seeing it came from Tommy, Libby and Ada sighed as they knew what was coming.

Tommy quickly looked around to locate his daughter and sister before making a b-line for them.

Sitting down next to Ada Extremely calmly Tommy said, "Tell me the man's name, Ada." His voice was low but Libby and Ada both knew he was extremely angry.

"Rudolph Valentino," Ada replied as equally as calm, causing libby to snigger.

Tommy then left as dramatically as he had entered.

"That was too easy." Libby whispered, implying that she knew he would come back but before Ada could reply the screen went black and the lights came back on. Leaving most people in the room in confusion except Ada and Libby, who knew this wasn't going to end well for them.

"Get out. All of you. Go on. Get out." Tommy roared, having no patience left at all. "I said, tell me his fucken' name."

"Yeah we heard you the first time." Libby recoiled, earning a sharp glare from her father.

"Freddie fucking Thorne," Ada shouted, leaving Tommy stunned. "Yeah, your best mate since school. The man that saved your life in France," Ada was furious, who did Tommy think he was looking down on her. "So go on, go on. Go and cut him up and chuck him in the cut"

Tommy stormed out as dramatically as he had entered again.

"Oi, we are Shelbys too, you know. Put my fucken' film back on." Libby shouted, not wanting to go back home yet and face her father and as the fourteen year old had demanded, the film was put back on for the two girls to finish watching.

N:A/ I will update next Wednesdays as I have a busy week but thank you for all off your support so far


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