1. Badlands

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Darryl POV

I wake up in my bed like any other day in this small town, the Badlands. Our town is ruled by the Ahmed family, who rule over our country, Lozenge.

The smell of my family's home and mothers cooking fill my nostrils to float me out of bed. I change out of my sleeping attire and change into the usual trousers with a loose fit top.

Got a busy day today; it's not easy being a brother, father, friend, whatever people want to call me all over the village. I've taken up my father's mantle as the village's esteemed man since his passing. And I have to go to work as usual too.

I wander into the kitchen and smile at my mother and sisters' sight. My brother, the eldest sibling, is not home because he became a knight a few months ago. We miss him, but his duty now belongs to the royal family and guards.

My mother, Cara, began, "Darryl, you're awake. While your out I need you to stop by the bakery and buy a fresh loaf from Ms. Niki and Ms. Rebecca. Here's some money." I take the change from her hand and nod.

Both are very fine sisters, my mothers age and attitude, both unwed. They all get along, my mothers and the sisters, like peas in a pod.

I reply, "Alright, any other chores you bore me with instead of yourself?"

She shakes her head, "Nothing else. Just get me a loaf."

My sister, Lucy, says, "Darryl, may you also get a small sweet for me?"

I smile, "Yes Lucy, what would you like?"

She shrugs, "Anything will be good, as long as it's sweet."

I assure them, "I will get the loaf and sweet before I return home."

My mother says, "Goodbye Darryl."

Lucy says, "Hope everything is alright Darryl." I wave goodbye and walk out of our small home to wander about.

I stop by the church and ask, "Pastor Preston?"

He appears out of the confessional, "Darryl! Welcome my friend. Are you here to attend a service?"

I shake my head, "No, no, I'm just making sure everything is alright."

Preston replies, "Doing well as always. I have someone in the confessional right now so I must get back to them but come around some more. Perhaps we can get food later?"

I assure, "We will soon. I'll be back sometime this week."

He smiles, "See you then." I leave the church and walk to my next stop.

On the way, the usual Michael is bound next to the road. He yells, "Darryl! How are you today?"

I wave at him, "Good Michael, how are you?"

He smiles, "Same as always. Got business today?"

I shrug, "Always. Well I must get going."

He replies, "No, no, I have something to say Darryl. I've been researching some stories from the east and I have-"

I cut him off, "I really must get going Michael but I hope you enjoy your research." I swiftly walk away because simply dealing with insane Michael rots anyone's brain. His made up theories and research all comes out from the dirt of the Earth.

I knock on the door of our town's apothecary and say, "Anyone in?"

They reply, "No, come on in."

I open the door and walk in, "Dr. Callahan, is everything alright today?"

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