11. Terrace

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Zak POV: 

I wake up and the first thing that comes to my mind is, "I never asked when the wedding is." I change my clothes and leave my room to find my mother. I look around the kitchen, sitting room, dining table, all around until the library. I go in and she's sitting in my chair reading a book.

I say, "Good morning mother."

She looks up at me, "Good morning Zak. Sorry I have taken your seat."

I reply, "Oh no, no, it's fine. I came here to ask a question."

She says, "Hmm, okay, what is it?"

I ask, "When Mrs. Saint was over yesterday, did you plan when the wedding will be? The date?"

My mother nods, "Yes. The ceremonies will be held in the afternoon, first Samira's wedding, then your wedding. All to be held in a week or two."

I ask, "Why not later on in the night?"

She smiles, "During the night, we will have your coronation!"

I sit down on the table beside her, "R-really? My wedding then my coronation?"

She nods, "Yes, oh yes, Cara and I believe it's best to have all the events on the same day. That way, it's the perfect day: waking up in the morning to get ready, go through your weddings, and then get crowned king. Doesn't it sound lovely?"

I reply, "Yes...lovely indeed."

She says, "All Cara and I have to do is get everything prepared even though it is planned."

I ask, "Might you let me have insight?"

She responds, "Well Cara is in charge of food along with the bakers in Badlands. I will coordinate the decoration because we will celebrate in our field. And things such as outfits, entertainment, and such I'll find people to prepare those."

I say, "That all sounds great. Well, I'll leave you to read mother."

She smiles, "Alright, make sure to eat something this morning. Our soon to be king cannot be skinny like a stick."

I nod, "Yes, I'll go to the kitchen now." I walk out the library and walk to the kitchen thinking, "I am royally screwed."

Darryl POV: 

I wake up this morning with a massive headache that feels as if my skull is etching into my brain. I get out of bed and find my mother who is in the kitchen. I say, "Mother, my head feels as if it's throbbing." She looks at me and puts a hand to my forehead.

She says, "You've got a light fever. Lay down and I'll bring over a cool rag." I nod my head and go to lay back down.

Lucy wakes up from her bed and walks over to me. She asks, "Not feeling well brother?"

I lightly shake my head, "Not right now."

She says, "I'll go get something for you to eat." She goes to the kitchen and comes back with some bread and jam.

I sit up and say, "Thank you Lucy."

She smiles, "No problem. You're my big brother, of course I'm to help you. And mother is wetting the rag to bring it in a moment."

I smile, "Thank you Lucy..."

I feel bad, guilty, but still manage to feel happy for kissing Zak last night. Lucy is so in love and overjoyed...while Zak and I adore each other, far too much. I need to speak to him. I don't know what to say or do. I want to be with him, but I know we can't.

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