14. Together, Forever

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Zak POV:

I stand beside my mother and Samira as we wave towards the citizens walking towards us. They are all motioned to our field where we have tables and chairs for the guests. But in front of the altar there are special sections for those among the Badlands and Castle residents.

I see Ms. Niki and Ms. Rebecca both wearing beautiful gowns. Also Mr. Blade walking with Mr. Frost talking to one another in dashing attire. And of course there are children rushing around, which I know Tommy, Toby, Ranboo, and Grayson. I see Dr. Callahan talking to Dr. Samuel. Dr. Samuel is the royal doctor per say. Pastor Preston is already at the altar reading from his text. And some other people I recognize here and there.

Dave stands behind me and he whispers, "Prince Zak, your father has asked me for you to go to the tailor room." I nod and go to said room.

I walk in and my father is standing, staring out of a window. I ask, "Yes father?" He turns and smiles, "Oh Zak!"

He hugs me saying, "You have no idea how long I've waited for today! The day has finally come. I've been waiting since your birth. Ah, and Lucy is such a sweet girl isn't she? You two will be the best King and Queen Lozenge has ever seen!"

I half grin, "I suppose. Thank you father."

He pats my back, "I'm proud of you for coming along all this way. Marriage and being king is not easy, but I have faith for you to be better than even myself."

I reply, "Thank you father."

He lets go of me in the hug saying, "Well let's go back out and continue." I nod in response.

We walk back out and I see everyone cheer and smile at each other, everyone is excited. Samira waves her hands like they are about to fall off, with a smile that could replace the sun. Lucy waves and smiles like the sweet girl she is, and it's so genuine that I feel bad for my lack of feelings. Our mothers have tears in the brims of their eyes, ready to drop if we speak a word. My father cheers and him telling me how proud he is was a metaphorical, cherry on top.

But I look at Darryl and think to myself, "It was never meant to be." No matter how we are behind closed doors, stealing away any moments we can from reality.

I see some other familiar faces wandering around: Mr. Schlatt, Michael, Alex, and Karl. I know Alex and Karl to be very close friends of Darryl, Alex basically is his brother. Darryl loves telling small stories from when they were younger or even now. Along with familiar knights posted at the entrance: Sir Clay, Sir Nicholas, Sir George, and Sir Luke.

After we stand outside welcoming for a little while, my family and the Saints walk inside the castle. My mother says, "Alright, time for us to go out! Remember to be respectful, elegant, and be sure to keep your attire clean. If anything were to happen, then go to the tailor room immediately to see it be fixed."

We all nod in agreement then our parents clap saying, "It's time!"

Samira and Lucy go into Darryl and I's arms. We all walk out together with music played by an orchestra. The sun shines on all of us to highlight every aspect of us, shimmering for all to observe. We all put on our brightest smiles and go to greet others personally. Lucy and I say hello to people from the Badlands, my castle, and other towns as well.

I look across the field to see Darryl and Samira talking to Mr. Blade. Lucy and I say goodbye to Dr. Samuel and I ask, "Why don't we go over and say hello to Mr. Blade?"

Lucy asks, "Do you know him?"

I shrug, "I've met him. And he is the father of my personal guard Sir Dave."

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