Trench Zero [Intro]

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OC:Leon Jäger

Date:April 6th,1918


It was another day in the trench cloudy skys damp wood and mud with a rat here then there every man as normal had his head down not wanting to attract an unwanted rife.

A lone soldier walked down to an MG nest and tapped the sentry it was time to change shift. A soldier looked up from his book Stahlhelm slightly tilted
A circle shaped dogtag half showing a Name "Leon siegfried Jäger".

Now if you asked Leon what he was you'd get a generic answer but seeing how he made it this way from when he first left Königsberg to meet up with his regiment back in 1914 you'd consider him lucky

A faint whistle was heard followed by the distance sound of artillery creeping barrage as normal it would sweep slightly ahead of the British infantry stopping at the trench sometime sweeping back to catch anyone who thought it passed

Leon got up and walked into one of the dug outs with his Mp one of the lucky few to get one

"Do you think they brought tanks" said one soldier nervously clearly a draftee "no" replied Leon "they didn't fly any planes" the artillery stopped a young soldier rushed out before anyone could stop him
The kid turned into a mist of blood guts and bones, blood covering the people closest to the opening

Eventually everyone filed out quickly and met the parapet arms raised and ready strangely a few soldiers complained of fuzzy vision odd thing but it could be looked over

Whistle Thunk Whistle Thunk

A white smoke filled the air roughly 10 meters in front of them silent that was it just silent then a Buzz of rile rounds came by some men killed on the spot

Quickly Leon made his way to the MG nest what he stumbled upon shocked him to his core dangling in the air was the sentry...

His eyes gone in place was black slim appendages holding him up by his eye sockets the back of his helmet blown inward digging into his head giving ample veiw of his skull with more appendages jutting out on the ground was his eyes and some organs. Looking back Leon saw what or rather who the appendages were attached to.

It was a woman roughly 7-8ft tall shoulder length raven black hair and skin as white as snow she wad dressed in similar clothing as the women back home,but her face if you could call it that was could somewhat see an outline but it just looked like a skin layer grew over her face

Even without a face Leon would feel her expression it was a mix of sorrow anger and shock he saw something that should've been seen Thump the body dropped and slowly the appendages slithered towards him if not for shells shaking the ground when he looked back the figures was gone. Leon scrambled out of the nest into a soldier screamed and charged him with a bayonet only to be shot down by a NCO.

Quickly he got his Mp primed and moved up the trench line turning a corner he saw the woman with another body yet no one payed mind only engaging in the mass Close quarters fight one man with his head getting caved by his own helmet another bashed to death with a trench mace others simply being stabbed


A moment of quiet then phfffff, Gas Gas Gas

With the wind blowing from east to west unto the trench the gas spread quickly overcoming like a wave swiftly Leon placed on his mask and tightened the straps

walking down the trench even through the gas he could see the bodies hear men drowning and choking on their blood simultaneously others bleeding from their eyes nose and mouth clawing and screaming others dead from the fight some blown by grenades or ripped by shrapnel

He turned a corner there was the woman with mace and bayonet in hand?..tentacle?..appendages she dropped the items and walked to him

"A end to tie up" she "spoke" before wrapping him up leaving only his dogtags and book behind soon taking those up as well

When Leon woke up he wasn't in his trench it was but wasn't it looked the same but everything was grim and dark what peace he had didn't last long as barrbed wire wrapped around him like snakes and dragged him to a dugout

Thus is the story of trench zero,never again would a trench bear its name lest the events that unfolded take place once again the whole trench filled with gas blood bodies and mud yet also left untouched no rust nor dirt not even smoke of a used lamp who was the woman is unclear and the fate of the Leon Jäger was left with the trench

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