The Torching of Germania

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Kurtz rubbed his face, the last few years have taken a toll on his mental state. Between the Civil War both in Germany and within his realm along with the influx of refugees from other Reichskommisaariats. Logistics have been stressed beyond belief. And now three months ago the Russians have broken the rump states that made up Moskau and were at his border. Looking at his desk he sighed. On his desk were two demands of loyalty one from the Führer in Germany and the other from the Führer in Ost-Paris. They were going on about some future "burgundy-Germany war" all the while He was to keep back the Russian horde.

Laying down the papers Kurtz picked up an iron Halo the so-called "Iron Crown of Kaukasus" a passing gift from Kommisaariat Kaukasus just shortly before he was divided between the natives and the Rus. It was truly an iron crown with some golden marks and Old German runes spelling out "Blood and Soil" it was beaten and covered in some blood from his own Civil War. Placing it down he'd look at a nicely folded blue and yellow armband with an Estonian Eagel. On the inside was a message that said "For Reichskommisaariat Ostland, the Friend, the brother, and the model colony."

Kurtz opened a drawer and pulled out a bottle of vodka made from the don-Volga region and a cup. He thought about taking a shot, but instead, he drank straight from the bottle. After all, why not hell had come so why shouldn't he numb himself as the flames surround him?

As he was about to take a sip his Minister ran into his office waving around papers of all kinds.

Minister:Rk.Ostland! The Russians!

Kurtz:What about them?

Minister:They've broken into Ost-Ruthenia!

Kurtz:So it begins, alright start conscription any able body males with the age 16-48. Any woman 18-42 May volunteer.

Minister:What about the natives?

Kurtz:Service earns citizenship and Minister...

Minister:Y-yes Sir?

Ostland:Tell the Kommissar he can retire to an early grave. I'm issuing order directive 194-1 to begin direct control.

Minister:Y-yes sir!

July 7th,1974

Ostland was walking the broken streets of Regia, almost all of his armies have been holding out in Courland say for a handful of companies from the border-guard that stayed to defend the capital. No word has come from the west, both Germany and the OFN have been quiet last he heard of the American Legions was that they were charging head first into the french state which was a year ago. A nearby radio played Die Grenzwacht Hielt Im Osten when a soldier changed the channel it played a series of repeating messages from the Russians.

Radio:Почтенные солдаты Остландского комиссариата, вам нечего бояться сдачи. Русская армия хорошо дисциплинирована и будет относиться к вам с достоинством и сочувствием. Если хочешь жить, не сопротивляйся. Бросай оружие и подними руки над головой к ближайшему русскому патрулю. Это правильный сигнал, что вы хотите сдаться. После этого вы получите горячую еду, напитки и медицинскую помощь. Когда война закончится, вы сможете вернуться к своим семьям

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