Into The Fire

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Oc:Abel Foreman

The sun was rising everything was dim and quiet say for the chopping hum of the huey. The crew of the huey sent out to respond to a radio call the coordinate was the same as the ones for an artillery strike and napalm run eventually came upon a mile wide patch of land littered with small fires and glowing wood

Earlier a platoon of marines nick named the "fire starters" for their use of incendiary based equipment was sent down as patrol but never returned

Landing the crew would hop off and secure the sight it was horrific say the least carriers filled with ash and soot the very ground laid white. They came upon the first body it was completely burnt and charred black and a AK partly fused to what was left of the arm the next body faired slightly better it was still charred but it still had enough meat for the guts and an eye to hang out along with a M1 helmet that looked like it wanted to turn into dust this repeated with many more bodies each with different   severity of burns and wounds

Then they came across a body slumped against a tree a quarter of his face burned cracked and black his right hand charred to with a party melted radio and what was ever left of his left arm was reduced to sharp bone jutting from the flesh and that was only the recognizable bodies

-5 hours earlier-

"It was suppose to be standard patrol"
Thats what the smal group of soldiers thought before the infamous "fire starters" was attached to them and thr thought of walking in a jungle with basically living matches wasn't pleasant but they walked and walked down the dirt road they were to patrol the road leading from the FOB to Firebase Zeta

They went about singing Mickey mouse into the dusk  eventually they made it to a checkpoint just 300 yards pass a creek bridge...abandoned say for a radio pack a private went to retrieve it but as soon as he lifted it


The boy was quietly turned to gore 'n guts everyone dived to the nearest cover and held their breath tuned their sight lines and waited for the VC to come

Then from the jungle came a shout "Người Mỹ, họ đang ở đây" and followed a rain of led a few G.I. getting  gunned down in a instant the MG after getting his bipod set shouted "MG,LOCKED AND LOADED" before responding with his own hail even if it didn't do much the marines sergeant who ran over to his 2nd a Lace Corporal Foreman yelled to get the radioman who was bleeding out in the road

After waiting for a pause he ran over and grab the man by his harness and dragged him occasionally firing a burst into the jungle and got him and the radioman into the ditch the Sargent rolled over and ordered the Grenadier to fire a Incendiary into the jungle base and with a Thump the white phosphorus cloud set ablaze

2 hours have passed with few results most of the army boys were either dead or dying one getting stuck in a shit covered trap after he tried to brake for the tree line the MG gunner who was to busy suppressing the Vc failed to notice a grenade land near him If not for Foreman he would have died but it still didn't end well he got it away but it went off mid air sending a fair amount of shrapnel slicing into Foreman's face one of the army boys radio for napalm but got the coordinate wrong and it landed behind them just close enough for it to heat up thr bottom of their boots

The Sargent lifted himself up abid but was swift put down by a rife which leaved only Foreman as the acting leader,he pulled his frag and lobbed it into the trees silencing a few Aks and despite the pleds of his fellow grunts he ordered a napalm strike ushering his radioman he grabbed the phone and relayed the orders

"Firefox, this is Springfield Sigma 2-6, I have a target for your fast movers, grid ref 8-4-5-3 dash 2-9-7-4, burn em for me, will ya? Sigma 2-6 over."

"Sigma 2-6, Firefox, I have one inbound for you, 30 seconds out, stay clear, it's about to get hot, Firefox out."

Placing the phone back he threw as much dirt on himself as he could pressed himself into the ground and covered his neck, the screams of jets came and with it a orange fiery wave that left no man alive right down the road soon it passed but with one bomb getting trapped in the trees and with no second thought he ordered the men to push the first in was the man with the flamer who pointed it right into a small tunnel then the Grenadier firing into little ditches fires and bullets lit up the area giving light when the moon couldn't

Then a bullet struck the Grenadier and managed to set off a phosphorus grenade setting him ablaze and burning two others the flamer just at half full and more dead weight had grenades live grenades attached to it and was slid/thrown down the tunnel Turing it into a flame thrower of sorts with all the flames shooting out some sticking to its operator. One grunt out of ammo threw down his M16A1 and grabbed a AK before he two was stuck down

Eventually the lance Corporal the only one left that could fight others dead or horribly wounded was also wounded laying against a tree he took out his Colt 1911A1 seven rounds in the mag one loaded he had 8 shots he grabbed the radio pack from the body of dead radio operator and called for a strike right on top of himself

"Roswell 0-9, this is Sigma 2-6, fire mission request on my grid 1-0-9er-7-6-2-9er, immediate fire for effect on my mark, Sigma 2-6 over."

"Sigma 2-6, 0-9er, that's a roger on your fire mission, on the way, 0-9er out." 

As he sat there bleeding out he fired all 8nrounds he had at any dammed rice eaters close and soon followed thr sounds of shells whistling a tune of death and dispare as it struck all around him one hit the napalm finally letting it complete its mission and sent a wave of fire coursing through the trees burning the by then dead Corporal

What VC remained vanished back into the green hours would pass and soon in the distance the sound of hueys were heard crying to the jungle to give back her dead even if it was just a tag

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