Germanias Reichweite

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World: a golblin slayer world
Oc:Adam Müller

Its been three days since the soviets have entered Berlin a story of a lone Grenadier has arisen stalking the Reichstag killing any soviets that made it to the upper levels

Hard to belive a single man held off the reds for so long but he had cause

When a man is condemned to burn he'll take who he can with him. A man who has his whole world shaken and backed into a corror well is a bomb he knows he'll die but you best belive he won't be the only one to die maybe its political fanaticism or maybe its the will to live and see his beloved homeland and loved ones again.

Tho the condemned don't always burn sometimes they get a second chance here's the last story of the Grenadier the story of one Adam Müller.

Reichstag 1945

Armed with nothing but a Mp-45, grenades,and a panzerfaust a lone soldier marches on the highest level of the building across the building are the bodies of other Grenadiers and soviet spent casings cased like lots and the torn banners of the third reich

The lone figure,a son of Germania makes his way to the roof the banner of his land still flies so he shall fight.Rumors passed of a single unnaturally lucky soviet."Dimitri Petrenko" was his the name,the stories of his will to fight and surprising mercy to the Germans who surrendered. Maybe in some other timeline they would have met on peaceful terms but alas it will not pass if he wants that flag to burned the "Hero of Stalingrad" will have to get pass him.

Finally on the roof adam met up with some young SS trooper much to his displeasure.

Crouching down the roof door would open with a Mass of soviets and there was two soviets in peticular one with a hatchet of sorts and another with that red flag and then the kid jumped up and hit the flag bearer only to get cut down

Reacting quickly he fired at the hatchet man striking his knee and just about got him off the roof in a hand to hand fight and then just as fast as it started it ended with a bullet hole no honorable death no mercy just a quick flash of the muzzle and its done. Would have been a paste if his boot hadn't caught him and like him the flag fell down getting snagged in his hand after what felt like ages the world finally faded black maybe things would have been different without the kid only the lord knows his fate


Jolting awake,the lone Grenadier looked around he was in a forest then he paused and remembered the events that unfolded then he wept
He wept for his brorhers still fighting,for his fatherland long gone,for his mother who would have to burry her son,wept for his father who would have outlived his first born and finally he wept for himself for he failed as a son of Germania

He wept long into the night finally his torn broken body wavered then gave in to exhaust morning came and Adam woke and got up using his rife as a brace he walked east hoping he'd find some town he walked and walked eventually coming to terms with his death

Soon enough he came upon the remains of a dead adventurer with n mostly intact gear he grabbed the cloak it was grey with a hood and six buttons along with slots for the arms that could be closed with buttons

Soon enough he came upon the remains of a dead adventurer with n mostly intact gear he grabbed the cloak it was grey with a hood and six buttons along with slots for the arms that could be closed with buttons

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