July 18,1914

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July 18,1914 a date the world would never forget. This day for the west was the day that the very personification of chaos and war was born in a spiteful little girl. In the east it was a day a holy knight in the form of a little boy came down to begin a great crusade against the enemies of the empire. Yes it was a day of both great curses and miracles who would expect two children born and raised so similar would become so different like a black and white rope tied together. Both clear and opposing yet bound together. A devil and a holy knight bound only together by a fatherland in need.

Being X as a devil called him feared this crusader not for his skills but because he was a walking truth, a truth that revealed he wasn't who he said he was. While the devil in her eternal rage was easy to manipulate the crusader wasn't he could see something behind the mask. Being x had authority over his own world but he answered to the one he pretends to be.

The son of the east and the daughter of the Rhine. Both products of their region while both grew up virtually the same just a change in region is enough to shape different fates. The Rhine was the industrial powerhouse of the empire and the east the bread basket. Both had a shared culture of hard work but the Rhine was competitive in nature. If you wanted something you do anything to get it no matter how dirty you got your hands. The plains of the east was the otherwise of the coin. Were honest hearts and honest work was law. You didn't ask someone to help tend your field if you wouldn't also tend the field the people of the east land had a saying " if you have a stranger tend and work your field,when it is time to harvest are they not within their right to receive the fruits of their labor, after all did they not grow the harvest and put in the work were you did not". Yes the east "Imperial Ostland" as its called didn't always belong to the empire but it wasn't conqoured by them either it broke away during the Russy Civil war, it always had a large germanic population 2nd only by poles another brake away state Baltica also shared a large Germanic population but they were reannexed by the red front only ostland retained independence long enough to willingly integrate into the greater empire. Still to this day the region is contested its plains and wide forests proving a easy land to roll over but the people not so much. To subjugate the east would be to wage an eternal war the western germans and the eastern germans have alwaysed been at odds since the first tribes were form to the empires expansion. But the central germans of the large cities and the southern germans soft on wine both enjoy the labor of both ironically binding the two in mutual disdain for the germans of the interior.

The devil of the Rhine and the crusader of the east,this soldier remember them both. I was but a young girl when I met both they looked so alike if not for the different wye colors I would have mistaken them for twins. The crusader stood two inches higher with the devil my former commander reaching 5'1ft. The devil of the Rhine tanya degurechaff was her name a short little blond girl with a petite figure (last time I meet her at the 10 year reunion she had the same size as me back in the 20s) and the crusader from the east Konstantin Hartmann only bearly taller then tanya but with a body more suited for a competitive runner. He had short light blond hair neatly cut under his seemingly anyways tilted cap his uniform was of the standard dark grey of the Landsturm army as opposed to the dark drab green of Tanya's Landwehr

The first time i saw them met they both had looks of disdain for each other but under all that was mutual respect I remeber what tanya said about him "he's a dirty mud crawling maniac, he does it well and it helped before a assault but I mean we have the capability to fly or the luxury of cover fire but he rather crawl into the wasteland to the enemy with at most a outdated carbine at at worst just old sidearms and melee weapons,who even does that with at most a single battalion sometimes they have a single platoon"! I always found it ironic that shed call him a maniac for doing such risky missions with so few people when she done the same I even have the scars to prove it. I talked to Konstantin about his unholy counter part "She is insane and unstable, but she is a effective mage no doubts about that. To fly around in the relatively peaceful skys i envy her sometimes. She is harsh and except nothing less then near perfection but she gives those under her the time resources and knowledge to meet her standards, her Rhenish culture shines as much as my quote on quote "Teutonic" culture as she puts it, she is focused fighter but she has all her focus on becoming a backline officer that at times she ignores all senses in search of that glory to earn her a spot among the marble buildings". When Konstantin's division was cycled to the Rhine front many soldiers expected him to be another degurechaff in some aspects he was more so when his battalion was organized in to a new land mage formation they even later received C96 carbines, P08 artillery models, some c93 carbines, and kits to convert any Repetierpistole M1912 into the Machinenpistole M1912/P.16 Konstantin himself received a experimental SMG the Maschinenpistole 18/I. To much of a surprise be was the counter weight to tanya and results always swayed to the imperal side far more often when the two worked together were Tanya's force lacked in close combat warfare/Urban warfare Konstantin made up and where he lacked the ability to engage in long distance firefights tanya had them even if they didn't create for each other they couldn't deny that they were a near unbeatable force

I became good friends with tanya over the recent years and to her nature she is still trying to get as far up the rank as she could, she made it to Brigadier General. Konstantin was well on his way of reaching the highest enlisted rank. The two seemed to have gotten alot closer (some of us are betting if they would be a thing by the 15th reunion) they only tried to drown each other a total of 3 times last year with degurechaff attempting 2 of the 3 times

Konstantin that blond crusader from the east and tanya that crazy eyed girl from the Rhine a angel and devil both in a dance of fate. One always shouting for folk and fatherland and the other god and fatherland. Who would guess i would meet the bulk ward of the empire protecting the west and east from any who tried to invade. He was a gentleman both on and off the battle to those who submitted but he was also a natural executioner to those who still fought
She was a innocent devil if such thing was to exist both were children of destiny but I fear another great war will come and even they won't be enough.

Ps: I should get them something for their 18th birthdays tomorrow.

July 17,1932

SerebryakovJuly 17,1932

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