Chapter 2

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Win's POV

We were going towards my house and I was all lost in my thoughts when he pulled me towards himself. I clashed with his chest and my breath hitched. 'Look where you are going. You were so busy thinking that almost banged your head on the door.' I looked in front and saw the big wooden craved door. I internally thanked him for saving me. Well, just so you know his chest was very warm and soft...

We entered my home and told that jerk to sit on the couch as I offered him a glass of water. He gulped down the glass and his adam's apple.OMG. Ahhhh...Metawin concentrate, he is a jerk.

'Sir I will go and call my dad' i said and he nodded. I went upstairs and saw dad doing something on his laptop. I could not see what he was doing because the laptop's back was facing me. I cleared my throat and he looked at me and to say he was shocked would be an understatement. He took a minute to compose himself before asking' What are you doing here baby? Weren't you supposed to go to your company? Did you resign from the company? Or did you fight with your boss'? 'DAD DAD let me answer one by one na. No, I did not leave the company nor did I fight my boss na...My boss is here and he wanna meet you. Please come downstairs na.' i said and went downstairs. I saw Mr grumpy looking in his mobile and doing something. 'Sir I have called dad he will be coming downstairs in some time' I said and he nodded.

Soon dad joined us but something went off him when he saw bright. He literally froze and looked at bright in horror as if he happens to be a ghost haunting him in past life. He and bright were looking in the eyes of each other....sorry boring holes in each other. Bright has his smug smirk while dad is unusually uncomfortable. He mixes up with strangers very soon.

'So Mr. Metawin, Do you remember me? Or did you forget me already' asked Bright with his usual threatful voice. 'Dad, What is happening here? Do you know him? Did you meet before' I asked looking at dad who is boring holes on the floor. 'So Win, Let me introduce myself honestly and properly. I am Bright Vachirawit. The one and only Mafia Lord.' as soon as he said this I gaped at him. He is the Mafia Lord? He continued' a Few years back, I had given a loan to your dad and he promised to pay it back within a year. But see, 4 years have passed and he has not cleared his debt yet. What should I do? Huh? Should I put an interest on the loan?' He asked and I had my jaw touching the floor.

'Dad, did you know him? What loan is he talking bout? Is it true that you took a loan from him? Why? If yes, where did you use it? Dad answer me' I asked. Yes, he is right, I took the loan. It was about 30,000 Bahts and I promised him that I will pay him the money back in a year or else pay him something which is most precious to me' He said looking at me.

I felt my cheeks wetting. Why did Dad never tell me about this? Why? Am I even his son? How come I never come to know about it? How could he hide this from his son? And how come dad met bright? Does he have a connection with Mafia without me knowing? Maybe because he happens to always work on his Laptop. But he could have told me. I would never hate him. Then why did he do this?

And a hoarse voice stoped my trails of thought. 'Win forget about how's and why's. At least ask your dad about what will he give me if he did not give me my money' Bright said with his signature smirk and I glared at him before turning towards my dad and asked him in not so soft tone' Dad what is that precious thing that you will give Bright if you were not able to pay his debt?'. He just looked at me then back at the floor. He heaved a sigh before puffing some air in his nostrils. After encouraging himself, he spoke 'The most precious thing that I promised to give Bright is........

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