Chapter 11

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Bright's POV

Win was dumbstruck by the confession and just stared at me as if I am a ghost. Looks like he was not expecting the sudden confection. His face went pale and eyes wide as saucers, the redness on his buttery cheeks were far gone. Was he shocked to his inner soul that he lost his color?

'No, I cannot marry you.' He replied straightforwardly without hesitating and looked like he was very serious. In my whole life, this is the first time I want to consider that I have read his face wrong. I don't want to be rejected. I had many dreams with him and finally they going to fulfill when he said no. It's ok, right? Probably, he wants to marry someone good and create a family with him and maybe I am just a friend to him no more no less. I have feelings for him but he does not.

I hate this feeling. Can't he just like me too or should I lock him up in my room so that he does not runs away and soon falls in love with me? Then once he falls in love with me, we will have kids, a dozen of kids, and then make a kindergarten for them. Good, right? Win will surely agree to have a dozen kids or does he wants more. Oh metawipped ass will die soon. I am thinking nonsense, win will kill me if he comes to know about my dirty thinking. But I am ready to die in his beautiful hands.

'Mr. Vachirawit. If you are done thinking all the nonsense and gross, please listen to me.' said win. OH MY Win heard my dirty brain now he will kill death is near.

'Bright.' He yelled. 'Huh..yes' I replied. ' I will marry you. I want to be your wife but why are you crying. I was kidding na. Love you so much.'

Win's POV

When Bright proposed to me, I was shocked like how and when did I become this lucky to have the great vachirawit chivaree proposing to me. I wanted to play around so blankly said no to him. His face looked like he believed my lie but his face lost its charm. Did he believe my lie? Okay, so hereafter if I lie to him, he will believe me. But he looks lost. I should say something before he dies of a heart attack 'Bright.' He yelled. 'Huh..yes' I replied. ' I will marry you. I want to be your wife but why are you crying. I was kidding na. Love you so much.'

I said and he looked at me like a lost puppy. Is wolfie ok? Anyways I caressed his face as he slowly leaned in and closed his eyes. He likes this. He muttered a thank you for agreeing before drifting to slumber.

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