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The couple days later, James, Sirius and I were all running through the hallway trying to find transfiguration class.

"Ugh! We're never going to find this class." I whined because my feet were beginning to hurt from walking up all these stairs. Seriously, why so many stairs? and theu didn't give us maps for this huge castle and they expect us to be able to make it to class on time?

"Maybe we should just skip it?" Sirius suggested hopefully.

"Hey! You three!" We heard from behind us. I exchanged a glance with Sirius and James, gulping. Was that a prefect? We turned to see a tall boy with scars on his face and a short boy with blond hair.

"Yes?" I piped up.

"Do you know where Transfiguration is?" The boy asked hopefully.

"Yes," James lied. "Follow us."

"Thank goodness!" Mumbled the boy. "I was starting to think we wouldn't ever find it. I'm Remus, by the way,and you three are?"

"I'm James Potter and these two are my best friends, Sirius Black and Ellie Cullen." James smiled at us.

"So, you're a Gryffindors?" Sirius asked.

"Yeah! Where Dwell the brave at heart! " Remus smiled.

"Cool, so I heard McGonagall is strict," I told them. "Like i''ll-give-you-detention-on- the-first-day kind of strict."

"I hope not, " Remus said worriedly. "What my Mum would say if I was in detention on the very first week."

"Hey, it might be cool to have detention on the first day," said James.

"Yeah, we might break a record." I smirked.

"We've been walking for a while. Are you guys sure you know where transfiguration class is?" Remus asked with a frown. Worry wart.

"No, we don't," Sirius grinned. "But don't worry. We'll get there sometime. I mean, what can they do besides detention?"

"You guys seem like troublemakers," said Remus. "Are you safe to be friends with?"

"Probably not," I smiled at him. "But hey, you'll never know until you try. So, friends?"

"I suppose." Remus nodded.

"Yay! Another friend to be a bad influence on!" James smirked and Sirius and I laughed.

"Hey, I think that's the transfiguration class!" I exclaimed once I saw the class room. We ran in.

"Potter, Black, Cullen, Lupin! Nice of you to join us." McGonagall said sternly. Remus whimpered amd looked down kn fear of detention.

"I apologize. We got lost and don't blame Remus, we told him we knew where we were going and he followed us. Its our fault he is late, Professor." I replied. Remus looked up at me with a huge disbelieving smile.

"Sit down." McGonagall said.

We all walked to find a seat. I sit beside Landon and James beside Lily. Sirius sat with Remus.

"Transfiguration is some of the most complex amd dangerous magic you will learn at Hogwarts," McGonagall said. "Anyone messing around in my class will leave and not come back. You have been warned." Wow, she's scary.

Then, she changed her desk into a pig amd back. We were all impressed and couldn't wait to get started until we learned we wouldn't be starting on that for a very long time from now. After taking a lot of complicated notes, she gave us all a match to turn into a needle. By the end of the lesson, Lily, Landon and Remus were the only ones who had managed to do it. McGonagall had showed us all how Landon's had gone all silver and pointy, and then gave him a rare smile.

" Evans!" I called before he had a chance to leave the class.

"Yes?" He asked, turning toward me in annoyance.

"Go out with me?" I asked hopefully.

"We are Eleven!" He exclaimed. "And you bullied Severus and Severa."

"So, Snivellus and Snivella deserved it. So, is that a yes?" I smirked.

"No, its a definite positive no, you arrogant toe-rag!" Landon scowled.

"Don't be like that," I called after him as he marched out of the classroom.

"Better luck next time, Ellie." James pat me on the back. I nodded and we walked to the common room.

"So, tomorrow is Friday." Said James.

"Sooo?" Asked Remus in confusion.

"So, innocent Remus, we should sneak out and go to the forbidden Forest." I smirked.

"Yes! I was wondering when we were going to break some rules!" Said Sirius.

"Why should we do this?" Asked Remus.

"Because," said james like he was talking to a baby. "It's forbidden, so of course we should go in it anyway."

"I'm in." I told James.

"I'm so in." Smirked Sirius.

"That leaves you, Remus." We all looked over at him. He fidgeted under our gaze.

"I can't let you guys do it alone. I'm in." He sighed defeatedly.

"Yes!" I fist bumped. "So, it's official, we're going!"

Hey, so this is a filler chapter. It will get more entertaining next chapters.They Will also meet Peter in the next two Chapters, so something to look forward to. Bye, my lovelies!

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