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Later that day, we headed to the Forbidden forest once again. I just hope this time is better than the last. I don't know what we'd do if Maria showed up again. Dumbledore showing up last time was chance, but this time he was at a meeting with the ministry and we didn't know any spells that would actually work on a vampire long enough for us to get back to the castle.

As we left the Gryffindor Common Room, we were caught by Landon and Lily.

"What do you give think you're doing?" Lily glared at us as she crossed her arms.

"None of your business, Evans." Said Sirius, while James stared at her like a lovesick puppy. Ha!

"It is our business if it loses Gryffindor house points." Said Landon. He looked quite attractive in his outfit, with his red hair combed nearly and his emerald green eyes sparkling in the dim light.

"It would only lose house points if we're caught." I smirked.

"Whatever. We're going back to bed," said Lily as she turned on her heel and walked to the portrait, only to find the fat lady gone.

"We're coming with you." Said Landon.

"No, you're not!/ Okay." Sirius and I said at the same time. You can guess who said who.

"Yes, we are." Lily glared at him, daring him to refuse again. Gosh, she can be quite frightening when she's angry.

"An what if we're caught?" Asked Peter smartly.

"Then we'll explain to them that we were only trying to stop you two," said Landon. "And you can back us up."

"Whatever," grumbled Sirius. He looked like a child that didn't get his way. It was adorable. "Let's just go."

We all began on our way. It was dark out by now and the night seemed eerily quiet as we walked through the forest. The freezing fall air made me shiver.

"Where's Malfoy?" Asked Peter when he saw nobody was there except us and the darkness that surrounded us.

Did he Stand us up? This is low, even for him. He's an idiot! Maria could be in these woods and he got us out here for nothing! And now Landon could be in danger.

"He stood us up!" James exclaimed. He looked about as angry as I felt. Of course he did. Lily could be in danger too.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew past us from behind. Every one of us jerked around as quickly as I could. Laughter was echoing around us in high-pitched evil cackles. I knew it was Maria. We shouldn't have came out here. What were we thinking?

"What is that?" Lily asked nervously as she looked around in every direction. She seemed to be trying to find the source of the laughter.

Nobody answered her. We were all to busy with our own fright.

"Are you really stupid enough to come back out here?" Maria suddenly was in front of us. Her evil grin sent fear all through my body.

All the boys, including Landon, got in front of Lily and I. I grasped Lily's hand as tightly as I could and she did the same.

"Who is that?" Lily whimpered.

"No time to explain. Be calm." I whispered, not sure if I was talking to her or myself with that last line.

"Aw, is little Elaine trying o be brave in front of her whimpering friend?" Asked Maria with a mocking tone. "Don't worry. I'll try and make her death quick."

Lily let out a squeak at Maria's words.

"None of these children will be dying tonight. Nobody will." I heard the familiar voice of my Aunt Alice say. I had never been happy to see my aunt in my life. Guess there is a first time for everything.

"Except you." Jasper added as he stalked forward with his eyes going black. I could tell he was fighting his Alter-ego, the Major, for control. If he looked at me like that i wouldn't stop running til I hit Mexico.

For a moment, Maria looked afraid, but she hid it with a smirk. "Could you really kill me, Major?"

"Even If he couldn't , we would." An unfamiliar voice said as a boy with sandy hair and bright red eyes and a girl with platinum blond hair and red eyes walked to Jasper's side.

Maria bolted away as she noticed she was outnumbered and Jaspet went to follow, but Alice pointed at my friends and I, who were shaking in our shoes. James, Sirius, Peter, Remus and Landon were trying to be brave, but you could see the fear in their eyes. Lily and I were showing our fear freely. Tears were pouring down our face and we were both shaking and hugging each other. Lily looked me in the eye and gave me a soft smile. In that smile were the words "I forgive you for everything, but I don't forgive James and don't expect My brother to forgive you.". I smiled back.

"We should get ya' children back to the castle." Said the unfamiliar sandy haired boy. "I'm Peter, by the way. Jasper's brother."

They explained everything that had happened and who Maria was to Landon and Lily. Sirius, James, Remus, Peter and I didn't really listen since we already knew what had happened. Luckily, we snuck back in without getting caught and Jasper, Alice,Peter and the girl who's name I learned was Charlotte promise they wouldn't tell a soul.

All my friends headed to bed and I started to do the same when Jasper stopped me.

"Ellie, we need ta' talk." He said with such an intense stare it was almost as if he was looking at my soul.

"Yes?" I asked as I walked back to them.

"I'm sorry," he looked at the ground like he was ashamed. I was confused.

"I'm sorry as well." Alice said sadly as her eyes pooled with tears she'd never be able to shed.

"Sorry for what?" I asked in confusion. They didn't have anything to be sorry for.

"We ignored the fact Edward and Renesmee and sometimes Bella were hitting you. We made you feel a though we didn't care about you and you ask what for sorry for?." Jasper asked.

"Well, I suppose you should be sorry for that." I said as I stared at the ground. I hated talking about this. It made me want to cry

"But, we promise we'll never do that again," said Alice as she smiled at me. "Jasper and I are leaving the Cullen's and moving in with Peter and Char in Texas, if you'd like to come. We'd be a proper family."

My eyes teared up as they looked at me with hopeful eyes. I turned towards Peter and Char.

"You don't mind if I stay?" I asked them.

"Of course not, Sugar! My knower had been tellin' ma you'd be somethin' special to ma wife and I since ya were born." Said Peter.

I smiled hugely. "Then of course I wanna come with you!"

We all cuddled into a Hug. Maybe Alice and Jasper could be my new parents! I could have a .... Family.

Heyy, so did you like this chapter? What do you think about Ellie? Do you like her? What about how Jasper and Alice want Ellie to come with them? Is it too good to be true? What do you think is going to happen with Maria still loose and living? Bye!

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