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It has been a month since my friends and I were attacked by Maria. Dumbledore had contacted my family and they have been staying here because Maria has a tracker and is tracking me. It's too dangerous to leave the castle and that is extremely annoying. Anyway, it's finally Halloween, which has brightened my mood a lot. That and the fact that my first Quidditch match is in a week.

I smirked as I sneakily tip-toed into the boy's dorm and walked over to Peter's bed. I leaned down over his face.

"Boo!" I yelled and he shot up, his head smacking mine. Ow!

"Ugh! Seriously, Ellie?" He exclaimed and I heard James, Sirius and Remus laughing from their beds while I was clutching my head in my hands.

"Shut up!" I snapped playfully at the three laughing boys. "That hurt!"

"Why were you trying to scare Peter?" Remus asked as he calmed down.

"It's Halloween! Also, I've already put stink bombs in the Slytherins common room." I smirked.

"Stink bombs! How'd you get those?" Asked James.

"I have my ways." I smirked.

"Whatever," said Sirius. "Let's just head down to breakfast."

We all made our way to breakfast just in time to see Slytherins running left and right yelling. James, Remus, Peter, Sirius an I all exchanged a glance, before cracking up.

"You five!" Lucius Malfoy yelled. "You did this!"

"We did," I smirked at him.

"What're you going to do about it?" James asked.

"I challenge you all to a Wizards duel!" Malfoy glared. "Tonight. In the Forbidden forest."

"We're in." I shot at him.

"But Ellie," said Remus quietly. "What about Maria?"

I froze. I had forgotten about her. Ugh, she's making this year extremely boring. I can't do anything without her ruining it!

"It'll be alright. We're going." Sirius said.

"Yeah!" James agreed.

"Maria won't show while your family is here." Peter assured.

"Okay, let's go then." I said. "Nine o'clock." I told Malfoy.

"I don't think this is a good idea." Mumbled Remus, but we ignored him.

"C'mon! I haven't asked Landon out today," I said. they all laughed as we went to find Landon. Yes, I was serious when I said I haven't asked him out yet today.

As we walked down the hall, I spotted him walking with Snivella. I scowled as I took off running between them, making them both fall down and drop their books.

"Why'd you do that, Cullen?!" Landon asked angrily.

I smirked at him. "Go out with me?"

"I wouldn't go out with you if I had a choice between you and the Giant Squid that lives in the black lake!" Landon yelled.

"Why not?" I pouted.

"Because you bully people for the fun of it!" Landon exclaimed.

I shrugged and turned back around and walked to my group of friends.

"Better luck next time, El." Said Remus.

"Don't count on it!" Landon yelled as he marched away.

"Here comes Lily!" James exclaimed, trying to maje his hair messier than it already was, if that was possible. "Sup, Evans."

Lily didn't even give him a glance as she walked by. If I didn't know what it felt like for your crush to pretend like you didn't exist, it would've been funny.

"Ellie, come help me with my Tranfiguration homework." Sirius grabbed my arm and I was dragged tonthe Common room, followed by our friends.

"Are you guys scared for the duel?" I asked as I corrected Sirius' s homework.

"No way! We can take malfoy." Said Peter.

"Yeah," James agreed. "With our eyes closed."

"Okay, if you say so." I replied.

I hope Maria doesn't show tonight. I can't wait for the duel! I went to get some rest for the duel later.

Authors note: hey, so this is a Filler Chapter! Next chapter will hopefully be better. It has the duel in it! So, any guesses on what'll happen? Comment! Don't be a silent reader! I love hearing what readers think :) Bye!

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