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"What do we have next?" Remus asked the next morning at breakfast. We had managed to make it here without getting lost. Can you believe it?

"Potions with the Slytherins," I replied.

"Ugh, Snivellus and Snivella will be there." James said in disgust.

"Yeah, but so will Landon, so it's okay." I smiled dreamily.

"You really like Landon, don't you Ellie?" Sirius asked. "And you Lily, James?"

"Yeah," we said in unison.

"That's mine!" I slapped Remus's hand away from my Treacle tart.

He scowled at me. "But you took the last one!"

"You snooze, you loose," I grinned.

"I didn't snooze!" Remus exclaimed. "You smacked my hand every time I tried to get one!"

I just smirked at him. "C'mon, time to go to Potions."

"Ughh! I don't wanna go." Sirius groaned.

"Cheer up," said Remus. "Flying lessons are being held later."

"I can't wait for those!" I grinned.

"I heard Slughorn drones about his Slugclub." James piped up.

"Like we want to hear about them." I rolled my eyes.

"Just c'mon before we're late." Remus dragged us all to the dungeons where the Potions class was located.

I shivered. It was cold and dark and, not to mention, creepy in here.

In Potions, I sit beside James and Sirius sat beside Remus.

"So, are you excited about tonight?" James asked as Slughorn began to babble about Potions.

"Yeah, it's gonna be exciting." I smiled.

"Yes it is! Maybe we'll see a werewolf!" James exclaimed.

"That will be so cool! Or maybe a unicorn!" I said.

"Cullen!" Slughorn exclaimed.

"Yes Professor?" I asked.

"I asked what the difference between Monkshood and Wolfbane was?" Slughorn said.

"There is no difference at all. It's the same plant." I smirked. He thought He could embarrass me. Take that, Slughorn!

"Correct!" Slughorn smiled and then began to babble again.

"How'd you know that?" James asked.

"I do study, you know. Sometimes." I told him.

"Never would've guessed that you would have studied." Said James.

"Shut up." I slapped him on the back of the head when Slughorn wasn't watching. I heard Sirius quiet chuckling from behind us and smirked.

Finally, after the lesson, we took off toward the greenhouses where Flying lessons were being held, also with the Slytherins. Ugh.

Once we got down there, I spotted Snivella talking to Landon and glared. I ran between them, knocking them both to the ground.

"Brat!" Yelled Snivella.

"I'm a brat?" I asked. "Tell me, do you ever plan to wash your Grease out?"

"Shut. Up. Cullen." She glared at me.

"You. First. Snivella." I shot back.

"My name is Snivel-- I mean Severa!" Snivella yelled and Sirius, James and I burst out laughing while Remus just smiled awkwardly.

The Other Cullen (Book One)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ