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I paced back and forth beside Ellie's bed. It had been three days since the incident and she should be awake now. There had been too much venom to suck it all out so she had to turn. I suppose if the Volturi finds out we will just have to fight them, though I hope that doesn't happen.

I was confused along with worried. It's been three days and her heart hadn't stopped yet. Her skin has went to a slightly different temperature but not cold enough to be a vampires. She wasn't as pale but you could clearly see she had gotten even more beautiful than she used to be.

I walked over and grabbed her hand. "C'mon darlin, please wake up. You're my daughter."

And it was true. During the last couple months I had grown to see her as my daughter. She was my whole world, besides Alice, and she was close to death because of my enemy.

I gasped when Ellie's eyelids twitched before snapping open. No, I didn't gasp because she had woke, I gasped because her eyes weren't red. They were her usual emerald green.

(Ellie pov)

Pain. Darkness. Fire.

That was all I saw and felt for who knows how long. I had lost track of how long I had been trapped in this torture. Days, weeks, months or even years feel like they have went by.

I want to give up. I want to urge my heart to stop beating. Anything to get away from the fire. It has burned through every inch of my body from my heart to my head until finally it had settled in my throat.

"C'mon darlin', please wake up. You're my daughter." I heard a soft voice plead. The voice sounded wrong. It didn't have the content it usually had, it was replaced with pain.

Jasper. It had to be Jasper. He was the only boy who called me his daughter. And, he was in pain and it was all my fault. I had to wake up and tough through the pain. Not just for Jasper, but Remus, who I had watched turn into a werewolf. For Peter, who was bullied. For Sirius, who didn't have any family but us. And for James, who had helped us all out of our loneliness on the first day. For all four of them, who were now my brothers.

I tried to open my eyes and they gave a twitch, before opening completely. Jasper gasped and so did I.

Everything was so much clearer now. I could see every little detail of every scar on Jasper's face. I could see each color so much brighter than I had been able to before. Everything was so much more beautiful. I was not human anymore.

"Your eyes!" Jasper gasped.

"What about my eyes?" Whoa! My voice came out so smoothly, like bells.

"They're still green and you're heart is still beating!" He said.

"How?" The only vampires who still had a heartbeat and eyecolor that was normal was Hybrids.

"It seems Ms. Cullen is a hybrid," Dumbledore appeared out of nowhere. "Half Vampire, half-witch."

"So, I'm still a witch?" I asked hopefully. I don't know what I'd do if that was taken and I had to leave Hogwarts.

"Yes, you are still a witch." Dudmbledore smiled kindly, eyes twinkling. "But, I woukd think you need to hunt. Also, because you acted so carelessly and went into the woods that are forbidden, I will have to take house points."

As soon as he said something about hunting, my throat felt like it burst into flames but I endured it to ask a few more questions. "How many? Are the boys alright?"

Dumbledore smiled again. "I apologize but the staff and I have agreed to take fifty from you. and, yes, the boys are fine, if you speak of Potter, Lupin, Pettigrew and Black. They have visited quite a lot. Mr. Lupin seems to believe you hate him."

My eyes widened and my mouth fell open in a silent gasp. How could Remus think that! "Why would he think I hate him?"

"He seems to believe that all of you and your friends will hate him if you know what he is." Dumbledore told me.

"I have to talk to him." I said and went to get off the bed but dad--Jasper stopped me.

'Sweetie, you have to hunt first."

I glared as the fire in my throat came back. "Okay, lets go. I hope the boys don't hate me beacause I'm a vampire."

"You're only half vampire." Jasper assured me as we began to set off towards the forest again to hunt.

"What happened to Maria? Is she alive?"

"No, we took care of her." Said Jasper.

I smiled. I can't wait to hunt and go visit the boys. Wait, did Dumbledore say FIFTY!!!

A/N Sorry this chapter isn't very good. It's a filler chapter. It'll get better, I hope. I can't believe this book is almost over!!! I just started it and i only have a few chapters left! But hey, there will be a sequel! Tell me what ya think!!

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