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I paced across the living room floor with a very bored expression. James and his parents were supposed to be here to pick Sirius and I up an hour ago!!!

"Elaine," snapped dad with an annoyed expression. "Sit down before you burn a hole into the floor."

I frowned at the sharp tone in his voice, and then glared at Sirius, who was snickering at me. I plopped down on the sofa beside Uncle Peter and threw my arms up in the air.

"Where are they?!?!"

"Talking about me, are you?" I heard a voice say from the small fireplace across the room. I looked up so fast I almost gave myself whiplash. Sure enough, there stood the one and only James Potter.

"James!!" I shouted, rushing towards him. He laughed and threw his arms open for me to jump into. When my body collided with his, I gasped. Small electric jolts shocked my body. It didn't hurt, but it felt weird. I didn't recognize the feeling.

"Ellie!" Said James, spinning me around in a circle. "I've missed you, my dorky friend!"

"I've missed you too-- wait, I'm not a dork!" I said, laughing. "But you know who I've missed more?"

James gasped, throwing a hand to his heart in a dramatic way. "You've missed someone more than me? Impossible!"

"Oh please," said Sirius, a teasing grin on his face. "We all know Ellie would miss Landon more than you any day."

"Yeah, I know how she feels," said James, running a hand through his already messy hair. "I've missed My LilyFlower way too much this summer,"

I don't know why, but hearing him say that hurt. Bad. My heart felt like someone had taken their fist and squeezed it. It felt just like it usually does when Landon rejects me. But there's no way that I have those feelings for James, I mean, he's my best mate! And he likes Lily and I like Landon.

"Alright, you two, we've got to get going," said James. "My parents are waiting."

I nodded before turning to dad, Mum, aunt Char and Uncle Peter. "I'll miss you guys. See you next year. Bye."

"Bye," said Sirius.

We weren't the best at saying goodbye. We'd both come from bad families and now that we have a good one, sometimes it's hard to know how to act around them. It was easy to say bye to the Cullen's, but trying to say bye to these guys made me feel like I wanted to cry, so I hurried with my goodbye

"Goodbye," said Alice, pulling us both into a Hug. "I love you both, my beautiful children."

My eyes watered slightly. It still made me want to cry when they referred to me as their child. Edward had always referred to me as a mistake. It was a nice change.

I pulled from the Hug along with Sirius, waved at the rest of our family, and then walked outside with James to go home to his place.

A/N It's bad, I know. I apologize. I have writers block and didn't know what to write, but you guys deserved a chapter!! So there ya go! I hope you like it at least a little even though it's short and terrible :)

James: nothing's terrible if I'm in it!!

Sirius: oh hush up James. I think we all know the only reason this book gets views is because they love reading about my funny jokes and beautiful personality.

Lily: Arrogant toe-rags!

Remus: oh hey Lily! I have a book I think you'd like! It's called The Hunger Games!!

James: quit talking to my Girl, Remus!

Lily: I'm outta here. *walks away*

James: *falls to the ground cluching his heart* nooooo! My love, do not abandon me!

-..- hehehe. Hahahahahahaha!!! Hahahahahahaha!
Random teen post below!!
Remember my readers that when you write Looooooooool while your texting somebody, it does not show how much your laughing! No, it makes it look like your phone has a stutter :)

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